The Qualities We Identify As Who We Are

Creative expression is the essential way we communicate and contribute to people. At its best, it demonstrates the spirit of our life, light and love possibilities. Most individuals confuse this with what they were taught to be by their parents, peer group and society. All creative imprinting, where we try to imitate those we admire, distances us from our internal truth and nature. Our authentic expression unifies our being, and we feel pleasure, power and passion when we show up in this way. Being who we are is fun! Being what others want us to be takes effort, distracts us from our purpose and ends up feeling like an obligation or duty. Higher Alignment, after 33 years of research, proposes that there are seven distinct creative expressions on three levels, meaning that each person has a primary, secondary and mental body expression.

HA identifies seven qualities of expression (from most masculine to most feminine): Implementer, Orchestrator, Investigator, Storyteller, Visionary, Compassionate and Inventor. Implementers are personal achievers who enjoy being productive and philosophical. Orchestrators are big-picture planners who coordinate groups. Investigators are assimilators who structure, then teach what they learn. Storytellers are group leaders who use humor and activities to unify communities. Visionaries are also group leaders who unify emotions and promote ideals. Compassionates are personal loving-wisdom advocates who serve others wherever they are. Inventors are outside-the-box problem solvers and rebels who try to change the world, one idea at a time. Since we each have three expressions, you will likely see yourself in at least three of the creative qualities.

Actualizing our creative expressions means embodying its associated qualities. To be effective, we need to internalize and identify with its perspective to operate from that quality. Ironically, the more we deny our creative expressions (due to parental imprinting), the more oppositional we become to offering our gifts. For example, the gift of Inventors is that they are change-agents who empower creative choice in others. When an Inventor denies their creative nature, they become opposed to change and afraid to take action. The three levels of expression—primary, secondary and mental body—help us to embody our expressions by deepening our consciousness through intent, content and context lessons. Intent lessons ground us in physical doing so we can see and appreciate Beauty. Content lessons stimulate our emotions and thoughts to create our own truth and wisdom. Context lessons help us to perceive differences in goodness, where we can be authentic.

We engage our mental body creative expression first. This level bridges unconscious and conscious knowing and is the most often impacted by parental imprinting. We use our mental body expression to manifest what it means to feel safe. For example, a Compassionate mental body, in their desire to be innocent and serve people, places others first. These people become caretakers until they recognize that the lesson is about identifying the people who actually need their support. Instead of becoming exhausted in their efforts, they need to be selective to serve themselves and others equally. This allows Compassionates to regenerate themselves.

We engage our secondary expression to be outwardly successful. Our secondary drives us to be secure and demonstrate our values. The more we are aligned in what we contribute, the more we are noticed, accepted and admired by our bosses and peers. This positive feedback drives us into greater levels of self-affirmation, where we become completely identified with how our secondary works. For example, if we are an Implementer secondary, we jump into projects to make things work quickly and efficiently. We do not notice how people react to our direct approach. In our exuberance, we become the employees who get promoted, but then do not know how to delegate tasks. We eventually need to learn how to be socially aware and include others in our decision-making processes so they can get behind our intentions.

Only twenty percent of Americans engage their primary expression, because we need to go beyond the security of our secondary expression. Our desire is to find an appropriate way to contribute that brings joy and passion into our lives. We know something is missing and realize that our fulfillment is necessary, yet hard to grasp. Stepping into our primary creative expression is a commitment to showing up, so we can learn how to be creatively fulfilled. For example, a primary Visionary sees themselves as growth facilitators because they immediately recognize the desires and patterns of fulfillment their clients and friends possess. Finding the right job could lead to their becoming therapists, product evangelists, doctors, or creating positions for themselves in non-profit organizations. The Visionary’s lesson is to learn how to relax and be with people without pushing them. Everyone wants inspiration, but we all need to choose it.

When we integrate our full creativity, our primary subsumes our secondary and mental body expressions and becomes the leader. This means priorities get established from the top, down. The more conscious we are in our creativity, the easier it is to express our context, content and intent through our feelings and emotions, thoughts and emotions and sensations and feelings. While this may not make sense at the moment, context, content and intent need experiential balance to be connected and integrated. They are what make our creative expressions influential and powerful. Ultimately, we increase our chances of being seen when we integrate our creative nature. Find out more about each of your creative expressions here:

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