— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Our Ideals & Growth Can Lead to Persecution
As Visionaries, we stand up for the highest and best way to contribute. It is easy to recognize us by our light-streaming eyes and our desire to be in the front ranks of healing, growthGrowth: 1. an evolutionary Aliveness or life building process 2. reflects an abi… and progress. Our desire is to awaken people to their natural passion by coaching them on their purpose. In our striving to bring light to others, we often confront darkness. This darkness is the apathy, numbness and inertia prohibiting personal improvement. Our desire to illuminate the highest truth often challenges our growth and challenges the status quo, attracting attacks upon us from entrenched interests.
As Visionaries, we jump to the biggest ideal which inadvertently may make others feel that they are less of a contributor. Our focus – and even fixation – on what works for us does not often work for other creative expressions, creating prioritization issues. Our gift is to be able to see the desires of others, but we need to support their best way of accomplishing their own ideals. When we overlay our ideals on others or attempt to force certain change before the timing is right, this idealization stagnates our ability to grow.
While others may see the benefit of what we are saying, Visionaries may have difficulty taking the prescribed actions at the times specified. As a result, others complain about what is not being addressed, the nature of the timing of what needs to be done, and how they can be involved appropriately. When projects are seen as mandates, forceful Visionaries can polarize a community rather than emotionally unify it. This leads to resistanceResistance: 1. the process of not being sure of what we want, or being sure of w…, gossip and the undermining of the vision.
Evolved Visionaries mediate this process by invoking emotional unityUnity: 1. the state of being one, or united, oneness 2. something complete in it… within the group around the mission. However, individuals who have repressed their emotions and have a limited commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality… to the outcome feel free to attack and persecute Visionaries. These outside agitators claim the Visionaries are pushy, arrogant and overly controlling. Ironically, Visionaries who want to be heard more than anything else find themselves not listening to their attackers, causing more problems.
Visionaries are inspiration oriented, group extroverts known for their bright gaze, that perceives the desires of others directly.
Steve Hudek
Some Visionaries avoid attacks by not taking stands for what they believe in. This withdrawal minimizes our growth and we become perfectionistic as a way of protecting ourselves. This means that if we cannot do something perfectly in public, we do not attempt to do it. By not participating, our energy stagnates, and we become ramrod stiff and caught in our principles. When a Visionary has un-actualized Visionary parents or grandparents, the communication is about ‘picking our battles’. Being selective about what and who we serve becomes the way to either support our growth or to limit it. The more Visionary imprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens… we have, the more we limit our growth, which causes us suffering. When we are preoccupied by our imprinting, we become self-critical and insecure, driving us to nag others.
Visionaries see the desires of others immediately. What motivates others is revealed, allowing Visionaries to be supportive by encouraging others’ growth. Visionaries are inspired by their own growth and love to learn new ways to uplift themselves with others. These lessons become tools that they use to awaken others to their own creative nature. The goal of Visionaries is to bring people into a creative, loving acceptanceThe acknowledgment of another for some way of being (click the word for the full definition) of themselves. To do this they need to understand what people need and what their priorities are in obtaining it. Visionaries inherently know this because they have traveled this path before.
Visionaries see themselves as leaders on the path of actualization and many of them experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… repulsion when others disregard or deny their own growth. This is because one of the main virtues of Visionaries is inspirational unity where we are all working together to solve world problems. This feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b… expression can be idealized as a goal, which means it would become a displaced objective disconnected from others. The challenge is that while Visionaries see these goals, the people around them do not. This can create frustration when others are reluctant or resistant to their suggestions. It is easy for Visionaries to imagine others being able to do what they do to create this experience of unity and trustTrust: 1. faith or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, e….
Distant Dynamic
Dynamic Defense
Unfortunately, Visionary goals many times isolate and insulate them from others who could co-create with them. What occurs are forms of purity tests where our relative goodness is assessed. What is hidden in this process is whether we are doing this for our own self-importance or just to serve the world. It is hard for others to identify who they should follow. What we need to look for is humility, faith and sincerity.
It also helps to feel an empathic connectionConnection: 1. the first step in the Seven Steps of Enlightened Dating where we … with a Visionary. The best way to validate a vision is to see its emotional balanceBalance: 1. The power or ability to maintain equilibrium under adverse circumsta…. Whenever a Visionary is overdoing or underdoing an emotionEmotion: 1. commonly a positive or reactive response to something occurring that… it is likely they are in an idealization process. The core value of Visionaries is to reveal the light of truth and aspiration. As Visionaries affirm their connection to people and can inspire a group to united effort to improve humanity, it demonstrates their power and sincerity.
You know you are around a Visionary when aspirations and beliefsBeliefs: 1. Primarily unexamined assumptions where we reinforce a perception of … are shared which uplift you. Their devotion to the cause and the people they serve demonstrates their ardor. The inspiration they demonstrate cuts through the glamor of others, so people feel their own goodness. This ignites a spiritual idealism that is incredibly positive. The only thing that weakens this experience is viewing it through superstition. What we seek is a natural acceptance of, and appreciationAppreciation: 1. The acknowledgment of alignment in our intent with another 2. T… for, our connection to the higher opportunity. Usually, the goals of Visionaries have some healing power that is distributed through the group. The challenge for Visionaries is to imagine themselves as one of the people they are inspiring, so they connect to their heart and do not get caught up in their future ideals
Visionary Contribution Operates Through Its Transfigurative Wholeness
Fully actualized Visionaries use the emotional side of truth to rejuvenate the intellectualIntellectual: 1. a dualistic framework where our positions reflect a partial vie… side. They accomplish this by uplifting motivesUplifting Motives: 1. the experience of anchoring our Self in spirit, enabling o…, attractions and skills so that the desire itself is magnetic and healthy. Regenerating the feminine mystique when combined with larger contextual engagement makes the desired outcomes more powerful. Understanding what motivates each person allows Visionaries to see how bringing together a group of people can be personally healing. Visionaries are devoted to bringing out the best in people around them. To this end, they envision a person’s complete, most fulfilling desire and imagine describing it to them. This is how their motto “The highest light controls,” can be best understood. Visionaries recognize that our desires move us.
The goal is to move everyone onto their own path of growth, where they become increasingly able to actualize their creative expression. The largest problem is the idealization of self and others because they have trouble integrating the positive masculineMasculine: 1. on a Gender Identity level, it reflects operating as a male 2. bey… side and falling in loveFalling in Love: 1. the quality or state of being associated with Instinctive Lo… with their own projections. The real contribution is to reveal the light of truth with others and show them the benefit of transpersonal contributions. The result is that everyone who interacts with an actualized Visionary has more personal confidence that what they’re doing will contribute. They accomplish this with varying degrees of success with Inventors, Compassionate, Storytellers and Investigators. It is harder for them to impact the emotions of Orchestrators and Implementers.
Visionaries use direct confrontation and emotional impression to form desires into action plans. They call out any obstacles in the way.
Steve Hudek
A fully actualized Visionary feels seen when an individual has similar ideals and beliefs. They experience gratitude and inspired joyfulness when they are in a state of creative flow. When they are disconnected from their Visionary aspirations, they can take on fears and become judgmental, and even blame others when they cannot see their own course in life. This reflects that they can become scared, anxious, and feel rigid and rejected when others do not respond to them. Like others they do not deal with abandonment well and feel persecuted by those who hate growth. Due to their commitment to express goodness and reveal the shadow side of life experiences, Visionaries can become worried and repulsed when others deny their contributions.
A Visionary Example
My friend Katie is a phenomenal coach who deeply listens to her clients and responds based on her experiences of different patterns of growth. Her capacity to be present and fully available allows her friends and clients to unburden themselves to determine the source of their conflicts. She uses space and the Common Neutral GroundCommon Neutral Ground: 1. The capacity to create a neutral independent relations… to re-create the experiences of others, so she knows the problem directly. Being well integrated in psychology and with a desire to understand people, she can see precisely the needs of people and how they can solve their own problems. Sometimes individuals are distracted by her outer beautyOuter Beauty: 1. the attraction to a person’s outer presentation or handsomene… which reflects that they do not know her inner qualities.
Her ability to see large patterns and know how to prioritize the internal building process she does with her clients allows her to get more done than her contemporaries. I see her desire to find unity and inspiration for the group. I love the way she is doing more Common Neutral Ground in groups which empowers her to integrate different people. She is also extremely playful and fun loving, knowing when to break up the entangled frameworks. This complements her sincerity and serious commitment to growth. Most of her friends would be the first to acknowledge her spaciousness and serenitySerenity: 1. the process of calming our feelings or establishing an inner state …, especially in times of stress. They also realize her total commitment to the higher truths, so she is willing to examine anything that can be perceived as an obstacle. katie-love.com
Primary, Secondary & Mental Body Visionaries
If our inspiration is unbounded and we feel drawn to reveal the highest light possible, then it is likely that we have a Visionary Primary expression. This means we do not hold back for anything. We take the world as it is and accept what is here-and-now as an opportunity to make improvements step by step. Our aspiration to do this is fulfilling. We are fulfilled by every connection we make and how each connection empowers more connection in the world. Our goal is to become a force multiplier for positive engagement in what matters in the world. While we enjoy beautyBeauty: 1. A state of awe, wonder and wholeness arising when we transcend our mi…, our focus is on manifesting the truth and seeking higher creative synthesis which we identify as love.
If we are a Secondary Visionary, the objective is not so inclusive or exalted, for what we want to do is make a personal contribution by uplifting the people around us. We find ourselves committed to the idea that just by showing up we can make a difference. Doing this gives us a sense of success and securitySecurity: 1. maintaining a state of well being through time 2. a driving force o…. It is about integrating the emotions and thoughts of those around us so their visions can be activated, and they grow. Visionary Secondaries do not feel called to define themselves in terms of a mission because they are more focused on conveying and teaching the values of goodness to others.
Dynamic Defense
Disnamic Defense
Disarming Defense
Disnamic Defense
Finally, if we are Visionaries on the Mental Body, our impulse with people is to naturally bring out the best in any situation. Our desire to connect emotionally creates a sense of safety even if others do not agree with us intellectually. Our expectations are that everyone is trying in some way to be creatively fulfilled and we want to find that part of them so it can be nurtured. We also are identified with our own desire to do good and to be seen doing good so we can fulfill the expectations of those around us that we are contributing to the solution and not empowering the problem. In this effort, we want to be around others who are doing good or committed to contributing to life.
One of the major benefits of stepping into your Visionary creative expression is that your path seems defined already. If you are pushing forward and feelingFeeling: 1. commonly the experience of touching something 2. On a more complete… your own capacity for growth growing, you know you are on your path. The question now is, ‘what is your commitment to being a Visionary?’ Take the next month and consider how much of your vision is internal (personal) and external (transpersonal). This reflects the Mental Body, Secondary or Primary, respectively. By anchoring into your emotional superpower, which is unifying people to a purpose, ask yourself what community do I serve? My family and friends? My professional community? Or the world?
Visionaries often get stuck in old truths that create conflictConflict: 1. a perception, either internal, external or both where different Mot... and inner intensity. This reduces their fluidity and increases idealization and self-importance.
Steve Hudek
One of the biggest problems Visionaries experiences is letting their self-importance override their direct knowing. When this occurs, we live in idealization misery where we are persecuted and attacked. We only need to listen to our hearts, which are abundant and powerful. One of the main complaints of Visionaries is a lack of fairness, which needs to be addressed with consciousness. This long-term solution does not satisfy Visionaries if they cannot solve it in the moment.
If you have Visionary imprinting you try to be insightful and understand the desires of others, when your own are confusing to you. Visionary imprinting drives us to try to fix others when we cannot fix ourselves. It is a false belief in our own superiority about our goodness that drives us to help others. We need to be seen as being supportive even if we are confused about our own degree of value. Sometimes this leads to falsely needing to protect others, when this is a way to impose our power over a ‘disadvantaged’ group. When we are caught up in Visionary ‘improving’, we can also project of false sense of equality on others, wanting them to respond in a way that makes them more like us. Ultimately, our desire for goodness leads to others resisting us because their version of greatness may not match ours. It is important to note that many Visionary expressions can seem problematic because they also have Visionary parental imprints. When we heal this imprint most of our intensity goes away, generating internal peace.