Obstacles to Conscious Action
(Part 3 of 3)
The Mechanism of Action Discontent
— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Why We Cannot Act Cleanly
Non-effective actions are always efforts where we squeeze, crush or wiggle our way to shape the options of actions. In other parts of this program, we describe the cost of Parental ImprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens… (click the word for the full definition), Defenses, and PretensesPretenses: 1. specialized roles we develop to enhance our ability to superficial… (click the word for the full definition). Each of these mechanisms misdirects, subverts, or enmeshes our actions, respectively. These protective mechanisms lead to constant conflictConflict: 1. a perception, either internal, external or both where different Mot… (click the word for the full definition) that produces a tug-of-war between actions. This means that every relationship reflects a degree of alignmentAlignment: 1. A condition of close cooperation or shared intention where compati… (click the word for the full definition) or misalignment based on differences in motive. These distortions result in waste. In business, mixed motivesMotives: 1. the primary Intent behind thought, action and deed 2. primarily orga… (click the word for the full definition) reduce productivity directly. In families and communities, mixed motives are the biggest irritation that drives the repression of those who are not accepted. This results in any outlying, non-conforming individual (with a different set of motives) becoming a scapegoat.
For most individuals, this means when we do not have aligned motives it creates a reaction that generates inertia, intensity, and resistanceResistance: 1. the process of not being sure of what we want, or being sure of w… (click the word for the full definition). These efforts to align cannot be perceived by lower motives people because of their own denials of energy, time, and space. This fixation on effort over Creative Flow is the result of an over-identification with our survivalSurvival: 1. a state of inner collapse where all our resources are focused on gu… (click the word for the full definition) and success programming in Higher Alignment known as our Personality. Since our Personality is an unconsciousUnconscious: 1. a state driven by repressed fears and desires where we seek to a… (click the word for the full definition) protective mechanism, it commonly operates by creating an advantage or edge, to provide leverage when things do not go our way.Â
We notice that in the process of interacting, our relationship itself defines how we manifest our actions, thoughts, and creative expressions.
Motives represent a structure of actions that indicate how consciousConscious: 1. a state of presence that is aware of itself, self reflecting, and … (click the word for the full definition) we are. The more we can express motives in a transpersonal way and connect the differences consciously, the more we can create unified and extremely powerful movements for change, growthGrowth: 1. an evolutionary Aliveness or life building process 2. reflects an abi… (click the word for the full definition), and striving. The deeper our relationship, the more committed we are to mutual outcomes, and the more likely we can come to a meeting of the minds. Unfortunately, motives for the most part are unconscious in our society, leading to constant action conflicts. Defensive Distortions are also not subjects of discussion, so we do not know why these conflicts are occurring.
As we evolve in InstinctiveInstinctive: 1. a non-reflective state of consciousness where we operate to guar… (click the word for the full definition), IntellectualIntellectual: 1. a dualistic framework where our positions reflect a partial vie… (click the word for the full definition), and Idealization personality levels, people with higher motives will feel superior and suppress or repress those with less development. This leads to greater judgment and polarization where we become self-protective and locked into current attachments, positions, and projections involving (people, positions, projections, and possessions). This locks us in denied or incomplete action frameworks.
Fear compromises our freedom of action and drives us to act out pre-emptive strategies against our partners to keep them from any advantage.
The source of Motives is fear that we will not measure up. All our us have these fears it is just that some of us choose not to listen and react to them pre-emptively. You can use the fears listed in the next diagram to evaluate where you need to support yourself by distancing from any external or internal critic. What we need to shift is our response to fear by learning how to fully act. What are the ways we can see how the fears are not real or currently present in this situation? When we become used to acting rather than freezing, then we need to look for situations when the appropriate response is stillness.
We then find ourselves in complex problems where we do not know which way is up. This is when we need to detach ourselves from the details and seek a solution (or part of one) or analogy for a partial solution outside of the initial environment. When we can populate the framework of a response independent of the problem, then we can use solitude to envision it as a solution. The real issue is that fear contracts us, so our contextContext: 1. the experiential container that permits us to see how the content re… (click the word for the full definition) diminishes, and we are therefore not resourceful. We need to embrace our creative qualities (both Values and Virtues) to determine if this issue is on our developmental path (if not we abort) or if are we assigning ourselves to be the solution. It is amazing when we discover that we are the best there is in our field of endeavor.
Three types of judgments create reactive, context-altering dualities (Objectification, Subjectification, Idealization) that eliminate choices.
To this end, we need to bring Life energyLife Energy: 1. the process of escaping our conditioning by expressing ourselves… (click the word for the full definition) to areas of self and other Objectification. Objectification is pushing people into roles of submission. When we are seeing only the instinctive surface issues, we are part of the problem. On the Intellectual level, we need to bring Light or WisdomWisdom: 1. the quality of being wise 2. power of discriminating appropriately in… (click the word for the full definition) to areas of self and other Subjectification. Subjectification is imposing thoughts and actions to gain personal power and control. When we are participating in dominance games it corrupts everyone based on who is at the top of the hierarchy. Problem-solving becomes completely compromised.
Finally, on the Idealized level we need to bring Radiant Self Unifying Love as an act of service and not a desire for self-importance. Idealization is the result of internal and external dualities where we avoid problem-solving by elevating or disparaging our partners. The indicators are insulation, blame, and a lack of an authentic creative connectionConnection: 1. the first step in the Seven Steps of Enlightened Dating where we … (click the word for the full definition). These are the issues that we need to recognize to be a true co-creative problem solver. Fortunately, we are not doing this alone.
While independenceIndependence: 1. condition or objective of defining oneself outside of the contr… (click the word for the full definition) is a stage of development, interdependenceInterdependence: 1. condition where we recognize that we cannot do it alone and … (click the word for the full definition), and Mutual AutonomyAutonomy: 1. The fact or condition of being self-governed that allows us to sepa… (click the word for the full definition) are necessary to engage others with intentIntent: 1. a reflection of will, either personal or Universal, that defines our … (click the word for the full definition) and see if they can participate with us fully. This is the core conscious framework necessary to sponsor effective action in a relationship or group. While we are always able to go higher level conscious things individually, it does not become real until we need to do it with other people. Choosing these people becomes critical to our success unless we want to do a lot of babysitting.
Instinctive, Intellectual, and Idealized motives all operate with a degree of Co-Dependence. This is based on agreements and promises of partnership without having any Mutual Autonomy, IntimacyIntimacy: 1. the state or fact of being Self-reflective and reflective of our pa… (click the word for the full definition), or CreativityCreativity: 1. a response to a situation where some new possibility can Transmut… (click the word for the full definition). There are three indications of misalignment: 1) A lack of sharing or balanced connection; 2) A lack of good communication or acknowledgment; 3) A lack of mutual abundance and contribution. While our motives on the instinctive level are primarily selfish, our Intuitive motives are more interested in connection, participation, and an exchange of value.
Our perception of our intent deepens when we need to express it autonomously and consciously. It requires energy (Life), time (Light), and space (Love).
How we see ourselves (as objects, thinkers, or ideals) creates the context in which actions exist. Actions are impacted by people’s need to use their own perspective to get what they can from the situation. This reflects how we have been caught up in Objectification (judging outer appearances), Subjectification (forcing others to accept our beliefsBeliefs: 1. Primarily unexamined assumptions where we reinforce a perception of … (click the word for the full definition) over their own), and Idealization (needing others to match our self-importance) which we call Defensive Distortions. Whenever there is a difference in motives it has three direct impacts on those that are most conscious. Life, Light, and Love are subverted or eliminated in defensively distorted actions. Most important is Life or energy that becomes directed intent when we are conscious.
Objectification generates inertia or drag which just diminishes our energy to put into action because we need to put more of our alivenessAliveness: 1. The capacity to engage others in a vibrant and awakened manner wit… (click the word for the full definition) into directing the process. Subjectification is the result of the lowering of our defensive mental processes causing intensity or struggle which shows up as fighting, a lack of wisdom, and compromised autonomy. Thoughts do not make complete actions happen by themselves. Idealization produces resistance or drama which reflects the fact that our egoic development may exceed our capacity and is interfering with our ability to work together cooperatively. This lack of mutual enthusiasm means there is no calibration between people.
Imbalances in our Sensations, Feelings, Emotions, and Thoughts (SFET) also affect our ability to act. When people are caught in Idealization, they either overdo or underdo it and have unbalanced feelings and emotions. When people get caught in Subjectification they either overdo or underdo it and have unbalanced emotions and thoughts. When people get caught in Objectification they either overdo or underdo it and have unbalanced sensations and feelings. Each one of these three defensive distortions modulates and redirects our intent and action energies, so they are not in alignment with ourselves and then others. We get pushback from people both unconsciously and consciously when there is no alignment.
An internal imbalance amplifies and attracts conflict with others. We can only avoid incompatible people until we address our defensive distortions.
This experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… (click the word for the full definition) is where we are demeaned by others valuing only our outer appearances. Mostly this is in pursuit of sexual conquest to fulfill their needs for pleasure. The individuals repressed operate from a fear of not being attractive or wanted. Their repression leads to acting out and overdoing either their sensations or feelings. Sometimes these objectified individuals regain a sense of power by turning the tables. This struggle to get what we want is the basis of GreedGreed: 1. a state of being where attachment to objects, beauty or handsomeness i… (click the word for the full definition) where we overdo feelingFeeling: 1. commonly the experience of touching something 2. On a more complete… (click the word for the full definition), ArroganceArrogance: 1. A state of being wherein one is overly attached to what one knows,… (click the word for the full definition) where we overdo sensationSensation: 1. recognition of internal stimulus within the body caused by pressur… (click the word for the full definition), and LustLust: 1. seeking temporarily indiscriminate sexual connections to minimize the l… (click the word for the full definition) where we overdo both.
Motives, therefore, are a predictable structure of interaction that can be observed in people’s interactions and even seen by their facial structures. There are four levels of motives (Instinctive, Intellectual, Idealized, and Intuitive) and three types of motives (feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b… (click the word for the full definition), masculineMasculine: 1. on a Gender Identity level, it reflects operating as a male 2. bey… (click the word for the full definition), or unified). This means that there are a total of twelve motives. It is important to realize that we are all evolving to some degree from lower to higher motives. The challenge is that most of the population is operating mostly in Instinctive and Intellectual motives and has only recently added Idealized motives to their development.
Motives are ways we act out our fears by not being willing to work together. Reactionaries, contrarians, and Distant Defense individuals are difficult.
One of the difficulties of this is that people are now mixing their motives and shifting them based on circumstantial differences in the situation. Fortunately, this does not make them less predictable. Each level or type of motive development has its own energetic signature. Each one demonstrates a level of awareness and a different ability to connect. The developmental pathways for expression are somewhat limited to these individuals as they can only move directly upward or to the side.
Transmuting Our Action Experience
The first thing they come to understand is that the lower your consciousness, the less others can re-create your communication or even act in alignment with your intent. This is because individuals with lower motives are easily distracted and frequently hear what you are saying only in their own terms which are not inclusive of others’ perspectives or wellbeing. What distinguishes conscious individuals is their degree of transpersonal understanding and ability to read others for their Motive Alignment. They can selectively activate any motive as a more conscious way to engage others.
The tool of Motives awareness is incredibly valuable because unless you understand whom you are talking to, you do not know how to correct the situation or provide the additional input they need to make sure you agree. It is not until people operate primarily from intuitive motives that they begin to realize the differences between how they are at any moment and how the world around them is responding. As we move through the motive structure, it reveals our development process. Particularly where we are accepting or denying who we are.
While we have suggested that you can see motives in individuals immediately, this ability only quickens the fact that you will see inertia, intensity, and resistance very quickly in your interactions. You could also discover how much of these factors are going on by just asking certain questions. What we are suggesting is what is the value of knowing this before you begin investing in individuals. Once we start investing, when would it ever end? Motives can be easily identified, especially when you are creatively conscious of yourself and your full intent.
Motives are a conscious-raising tool that reveals the underpinning of False Beliefs, False Certainty, and False Importance.
If you are limiting your Intent, then you limit seeing people on certain levels. What we would like you to experience in our work is how creative flow with others can be made real. Tempo is the word we use to describe engaging with people with the same energy and Intent. This should lead to synchronization and then momentum. If you do not experience relationships in this way, this means you could learn a lot from the ‘Conscious Action Illustrates Motives’ class.
The purpose of motives is to distinguish pre-existing distortions of intent that become obstacles to action completion. Conscious individuals want to engage, discover, adapt, and then finally complete a cycleCycle: 1. a state of growth where we progressively and systematically move throu… (click the word for the full definition) of activity so they can rest and rejuvenate. Unconscious individuals begin action but never complete it. Instead, they are driven to amplify their safetySafety: 1. maintaining a state of well being in this moment 2. driving force of … (click the word for the full definition), securitySecurity: 1. maintaining a state of well being through time 2. a driving force o… (click the word for the full definition), and self-importance at the cost of any completion. What this emphasizes in actions is how to let conscious individuals seize the process and personalize it. This personation, where they their reality through unbalanced physical, intellectual, and glamourous perceptions, where they are centerstage. From this personal perspective, they are comfortable making their demands despite other needs.
Consciousness is a matter of movement, responsive wisdom, and creative presence. This shows up as tempo, synchronization, and momentum in relationships.
The objective of the ‘Conscious Action Illustrates Motives’ course is to match our motives, so we are more effective in our activities. Individuals that recognize the limitations of those around them can either choose to work with the people they are engaged with and uplift them, or they can choose partners that are more aligned with where they want to go. While we commonly find ourselves currently in the first situation, at some point we may conclude that we are not making any progress. This requires that we shift to the second response where we bring together the most conscious people we know to create solutions that will work in a Creative Flow.
The possibilities for this are enormous in Co-Dependent relationships and companies. Eventually, as motives become better understood they will be used in community development. The objective is to make activities more aligned with actual creative cultural development rather than defensive distortions. We need to awaken the spirit of people and show that participating in the world is a powerful force. We also need to demonstrate that we can work together as a team and get more done. This is not possible until we are willing to honor the space of each individual and see them as a creative beingCreative Being: 1. the unity of consciousness embodied as identification with ou… (click the word for the full definition) even if they are just in an embryonic state.
Motives can be interpreted as a desire for change, growth, and striving to uplift our conversations and conscious interactions.
In conclusion, Motives have a huge impact on both the 21 Attractions and 12 Relationship SkillsRelationship Skills: 1. a set of perceptual distinctions that represent twelve d… (click the word for the full definition) because they are the three elements that form our framework of relationship understanding. It was briefly mentioned that many times we fall in love with an external idea, concept, or ideal. This of course because we are not seeing our complete creative nature. We typically see ourselves as a personality structure (a survival and success machine) rather than a creative being.
We need to understand that our creativity is part of our design to fully extract ourselves from the distortions of our intent. We need to recognize that if we are personalities, we are mostly seeing reflections of ourselves and not of the external world. Therefore, if we are selfish, the world is selfish. If we are competitive, the world is competitive, or if we are idealizing ourselves or others, the world is just doing that as well. Where is there a chance to break out of these self-deception frameworks and start to set in place actions that take us into our Creative Being?
Stop identifying with our personality perspectives, so we can unify our consciousness and act in unity with others.
While this can feel like we are alone in the world initially, the better we get at this the more we develop conscious communities and experience the abundance and joyJoy: 1. a state of well-being and wholeness that arises from a balanced apprecia… (click the word for the full definition) of Co-Creative relationships. When we have these kinds of relationships and our actions are aligned with our common purpose, we can change the world. If we are reactionary, contrary, and unwilling to see the greater good, then we are trapped in limited personality frameworks where we cannot even perform effortlessly. Instead, all personality actions consist of effort with no joy or creative flow. How long do you think we should continue to live this way? This is an invitation to create a different type of world.
Where are we in our motives? To what degree are we operating transpersonally in our relationships? Do we actively seek to have times of presencePresence: 1. focusing on inner subtle energies layers where perceptions and the … (click the word for the full definition) with others in our lives? This experience of presence is just about being available and hearing what is going on for another. This is an indication of service but also a reflection that we are operating on the intuitive level of motives. It also means we have differentiated our personality from our Creative SelfCreative Self: 1. a state of Being of connection to the Universe where we natura… (click the word for the full definition). This allows us to engage more conscious possibilities and it also supports us in acknowledging when people show up focused on the outcome rather than just their personal lives.
Now that you have a basis for appreciating higher motives, what will you do? This is the moment of truth where you either commit to a path of conflict resolution or continue to let others and the world define your choices. The middle ground between these options is not healthy because others will not know what to expect from you and therefore will not move with your intent. This commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality… (click the word for the full definition) is unifying your Instinctive, Intellect, and Intuitive Intent so you are creatively aligned and clear. The power of alignment in our intent cannot be overstated. This will make your life an adventure that attracts the best possibilities to you. Due to your understanding of motives, you will be able to maximize the power of your contribution.