Storytellers are social activity integrators that use their voices to build resonant responses. By recognizing patterns internally and externally, they navigate social fields by directing knowing where the dissonance will grow or disperse, depending on their response or action. Storytellers mesmerize people with their capacity to use words to evoke creative responses.
– From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Energetic Patterns Reveal Communication Opportunities
As Storytellers, we specialize in how to say things in a way that can be absorbed and reflected. We use our group expression skills to bring together people with a common purpose. We pay attentionAttention: 1. The ability to focus ourselves in a way where we are Present with … to the alivenessAliveness: 1. The capacity to engage others in a vibrant and awakened manner wit… of the individuals in our tribe in order to gauge what to say and how to say it. When we are in tune and the group is reflective, we move people forward by finding a way to promote common activity. Our goal is to get people to participate, which is not easy in a world of isolation, separation, and insulation.
We unify individuals by telling stories that make them feel they are a part of something larger. Storytellers can be found in all levels of management, as news commentators, writers and bloggers, and in a declining number of politicians. The main issue is whether they are motivated primarily by self-importance or if they have a commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality… that puts the goals of their groups in front of their personal needs. Individuals that need the influence to feel powerful are commonly seducers that no one should trustTrust: 1. faith or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, e….
Actualized Storytellers are committed to separating their personal opinions from the larger stories they are telling in order to unify their communities. These individuals are incredibly trustworthy and inspire loyalty. In order to see the difference between these two, we need to be able to ask what motivates them.
Storytellers are group expression-oriented, extroverts with a smile that makes them welcome wherever they go.
Larry Byram
Storytellers are people-oriented and connect through passion. They use humor and activity to create community or groups. They are at their highest expression, always optimistic. They see patterns of organization in people, processes, and locations. They possess a natural relationship fluidity that is not adaptive but rather evocative. This is because they seek to bring things out in others that their friends do not even see they possess.
What empowers them to do this is that they have equal masculineMasculine: 1. on a Gender Identity level, it reflects operating as a male 2. bey… and feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b… sides so they can engage time and space equally with others. When these individuals are grounded in their intentIntent: 1. a reflection of will, either personal or Universal, that defines our …, they possess a greater capacity to lead groups. The core value they are developing is to be a creative builders by acknowledging the capacities of others and encouraging them to find their own fulfillment. They possess distinctive patterns of thoughtThought: 1. electromagnetic fields that are born in the process of thinking 2. a… which operate as a base of possibilities that they reference despite whether their suggestions are embraced or not by others.
Like Inventors, they seek harmony but focus on this, particularly between people. When it comes to activity, Storytellers like having a hangout; a coffee shop or a bar where people can find them. They love using self-deprecating humor so that others feel safe communicating with them. They can be provocative and sometimes teach by challenging others to put up or shut up. One of the reasons they like their own routines, is it gives them comfort to know that others want to reinforce their stability.
Most importantly, they want people to laugh at themselves so that they enjoy their own life. This drives them to be entertainers, if necessary, to create this result. Finally, Storytellers are incredibly sensitive to life energyLife Energy: 1. the process of escaping our conditioning by expressing ourselves… and how others respond to them. While this can fan the need for attention and approval, evolved Storytellers use it to calibrate how to contribute to others in the most effective way.
Storyteller Contribution Operates Through Its Ability To Re-Orient People
Fully actualized Storytellers synchronize activities to help the groups they are leading to coordinate their communications and learning. While Storytellers can be educators, managers or entertainers, what they have in common is in recognizing patterns and conveying their meaning about them to an audience. Storytellers immediately know a person’s nature better than the person they are speaking to. This makes them adept at seeing both manipulators and magicians use their influence for good or bad. Actualized Storytellers, make sure that individuals have their own course and destiny. They have learned by falling into the pit of objectification, the cost of seduction, and negative influence, that their goal is to reveal the dignity of heroic striving toward being the best they can be. Unactualized Storytellers are trapped in fantasyFantasy: 1. the projection of our desires on the situation allowing us to believ… and illusions where they are never the heroes of their tales. Storytellers understand the patterns of personality reactions and can separate those from creative expression concerns. By seeing both, they are experts at predicting behavior. This is the one source of their motto: where “the highest and lowest meet.”
Storytellers respond most to individuals with similar challenges. When they are fully committed to being a spokesperson for others or a group and doing so with integrity, they are connected, committed and in a state of communionCommunion: 1. A state where we are creatively Present with ourselves and others … with their associates. When self-interest prevails, they can be jealous, attempting to get more than they deserve, and end up ridiculing people. Being responsive is an indication that they are trying to be of service. Trying to influence others is an indication that they are feelingFeeling: 1. commonly the experience of touching something 2. On a more complete… inadequate and need others to confirm their value. Therefore, many are afraid of too much recognition. Storytellers realize how seductive being seen as important can be.
A Storyteller Example
My friend Michael is a Storyteller who uses his words very carefully. He is sensitive to how other people hear him because he is an MD, and his words have the power of authority behind them. As a Storyteller, Investigator, Orchestrator, he always operates from a sense of objective certainty in his facts. The Orchestrator Mental Body wants others to know the problem without any sugarcoating. His directness can be intimidating for those who are not prepared to deal with the truth.
Therefore, he has shown an entirely different side when he taught the Authentic Life ExpressionAuthentic Life Expression [Aka Authentic Life Work] 1. A distinct creative contr… class with me. In this contextContext: 1. the experiential container that permits us to see how the content re…, it becomes apparent that he is there speaking to you, to bring out and illuminate your truth so you can see the appropriate path in front of you. He makes sure that you are assuming responsibility for making your transition to a more appropriate and powerful contribution. Storytellers modulate their voices so others can hear different emotional realities in each sentence. This is driven by a calibration to the group to whom they are speaking. It becomes the way they create a state of bonding through the story itself.
As individuals respond and become entrained to the story, the Storytellers can increasingly expand the emotional range of what they are communicating. This allows people to come into a mutual coherence or congruence with each other, permitting the transfer of knowledge, inspiration or even experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or….
Primary, Secondary & Mental Body Storytellers
Storyteller Primaries are group facilitators to empower common activities. They are informed by the patterns of people on how to say things that will stimulate the largest positive or negative response based on their intention. They accomplish this by challenging individuals to take steps and embrace certain courses of action because they see their heroic nature. They use their connectionConnection: 1. the first step in the Seven Steps of Enlightened Dating where we … as a guide to enhance the strength and courage of their people to produce a larger opportunity for group expression. What they want is people marching in a similar direction.
Storytellers can be differentiated in many ways: depth of engagement, the contentContent: 1. the outer appearance, item or thought that defines the set of possib... of communication, and nature of the intimacyIntimacy: 1. the state or fact of being Self-reflective and reflective of our pa....
Larry Byram
Secondary Storytellers are more focused on the people around them having what they need. They will speak truth to power, but they also want people in their groups to take a stand for themselves and initiate activities that will serve them. They vacillate between seeking harmony and pushing people to be more of themselves. It is about community building and reflecting on the common lessons so each member of the group can bring out their best qualities. They see patterns but may not share them with others because it could be too much.
Storyteller Mental Body individuals want to make sure that everybody is doing well together. They try to be the glue or buffer that keeps people on track and happy. Sometimes they become entertainers to distract others from their self-pity or stories of victimization. This is the antithesis of what they want to talk about because they are there to motivate people to take positive steps in their future. Sometimes this energy can be mischievous and do things to surprise or awaken others in their group to new opportunities. To some degree, all Mental Body Storytellers like politeness, etiquette, and operating with self-respect so others will do the same.
Primary Storytellers like to be both participants and leaders simultaneously. In observing themselves, they learn to identify how others are responding to their conversation. They look for mirroring, empathy, and energetic aliveness. They are energetic connectors.
Storyteller Secondaries focus on personal interactions between members of their family, group or community. They hold the community as a single entity that they are responsible for managing. They seek out ways to stimulate the growthGrowth: 1. an evolutionary Aliveness or life building process 2. reflects an abi… of the individuals so that they are stronger teammates. They care about how others in their groups are doing and therefore are always showing up when times are tough for a particular member. They see themselves as people who want other people to do well.
Storytellers on the Mental Body level primarily take responsibility for their own communications and try to plug themselves into people to make personal connections to stimulate growth opportunities. They cycleCycle: 1. a state of growth where we progressively and systematically move throu… among people many times in a one-to-one manner and synchronize with those people to clarify what would be accomplished if they were to become more aligned with themselves.
Storyteller imprinting can seem more real to some because, like comics, they can assemble an act. It’s harder to tell the real from the unreal.
Larry Byram
If you have Storyteller imprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens…, you want to be heard and listened to, because this is a sign of respect. This leads you to speak up and make yourself the center of attention using humor, information inspiration or through leadership. The message from your parents was that you need to convince people that you have something to contribute. What this has in common with Storyteller expression is the need to communicate.
Unfortunately, Storyteller imprinting is a jumble of whatever seems to work for us, to get the attention we want. We can become seducers, negotiators of influence and trade or brokers of information with no moral compass. This self-serving version of Storyteller imprinting is about the necessity that was imprinted into us to succeed at all costs. We need to remember that each imprint is a distorted expression, and that the connection between them is that imprinting is the simplest path to survivalSurvival: 1. a state of inner collapse where all our resources are focused on gu… and outer success.