Choosing Love Is Creative Self-Healing
— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Co-Creative Partnerships
Loving others is a choice. It comes after careful considerationConsideration: 1. the second step in the Seven Steps of Enlightened Dating where… of our strengths and weaknesses, so there are no surprises. It comes after knowing that we can be co-creative and work effectively as teammates. It is not a possessive, defensive or idealized experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… when we love. When we have to prove love, we are not loving. It arises from the transpersonal desire to contribute and add creative gifts to some larger commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality…. By engaging others, we manifest love by the consciousConscious: 1. a state of presence that is aware of itself, self reflecting, and … quality of our connectionConnection: 1. the first step in the Seven Steps of Enlightened Dating where we …. We experience Radiant Self Unifying Love by using our creative beingCreative Being: 1. the unity of consciousness embodied as identification with ou… to show up and be available to others. Our joyJoy: 1. a state of well-being and wholeness that arises from a balanced apprecia… comes from giving, not receiving. Radiant Self Unifying Love is an affirmation of the combination of Life (alivenessAliveness: 1. The capacity to engage others in a vibrant and awakened manner wit…) and Light (wisdomWisdom: 1. the quality of being wise 2. power of discriminating appropriately in…),
Making conscious choices requires creative self-awareness. This shows up as Autonomous Aliveness, Intimate Vulnerability and Co-Creative Responsiveness. These are qualities that guide our truth-telling, so we do not get in the habitHabit: 1. acts repeated so often by an individual that it has become automatic 2… of deceiving ourselves. We need to see our true shadow-side weaknesses to recognize when we are at the limits of our true capabilities. We need to practice expressing our integrity by making statements of purpose and intention. If we continue to be non-reactive, it means we need less focus in this area. Being calm, peaceful, and present affirms our creative expression and diminishes our personality attachments and reactivity. How are we going to combine areas of our growthGrowth: 1. an evolutionary Aliveness or life building process 2. reflects an abi… to create a unified framework for understanding ourselves? We can also share our vulnerabilities regularly to expand our truth muscles. This makes us human and real.
Conscious Unified Attractions shift us from Co-Dependent to Co-Creative Relationships through bonding, new perspectives & abundance.
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Creative individuals understand that equality begins with respecting another’s choice to interpret their experience the way they wish. It is not anyone’s job to override another’s autonomyAutonomy: 1. The fact or condition of being self-governed that allows us to sepa… or choice to participate. This begins with using a Common Neutral GroundCommon Neutral Ground: 1. The capacity to create a neutral independent relations… to connect to others in their choice because personality connections are likely to aggravate differences in sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts. We want to avoid imbalances in pleasure, power or passion for imposing our perspectives on others or vice versa. Equality is a state of connection preventing repression, force, or fear from being acted out. Balanced communication, respect and esteem naturally produce communionCommunion: 1. A state where we are creatively Present with ourselves and others …, adorationAdoration: 1. The acknowledgment of our potential as part of our creative connec… and admirationAdmiration: 1. Invites the acknowledgment of value for what we contribute 2. The…. There is no pressure or pain in the process. This means individuals can choose to love freely without any compromise.
We manifest our Intimate Vulnerability by embracing both our masculineMasculine: 1. on a Gender Identity level, it reflects operating as a male 2. bey... and feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b... sides, transforming our experience of Security &Time.
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Creative relationships come in all sizes and forms with different intentions. What they have in common is Radiant Self Unifying Love. This is a commitment to communicate and contribute appropriately without reservation. When we are connected through Radiant Self Unifying Love, we are seen in our creativityCreativity: 1. a response to a situation where some new possibility can Transmut… and have a partnerPartner: 1. a person who takes part in some activity in common with another or o… who will re-create our experiences simultaneously. This is an enormous gift of conscious self-reflection, so we see ourselves in new ways through their eyes. Radiant Self Unifying Love accelerates the growth of our consciousness exponentially.
We manifest Autonomous Aliveness by owning and managing our own Safety, allowing us to share our Energy appropriately without compromise.
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Radiant Self-Unifying Love is not a binding contract. There is no coercion or inducement to do anything when you are not in alignmentAlignment: 1. A condition of close cooperation or shared intention where compati… (click the word for the full definition). In Co-Creative Partnerships, we love our partner’s creative design, not necessarily their actions, thoughts, or passions. Radiant Self Unifying Love expresses itself in cycles with ebbs and flows, just like all conscious life. There is a time, reason and season for everything. Due to this, we make agreements with a recognition that there could be times when it is best to separate and go our own ways. This goes against hundreds, if not thousands, of years of cultural experience. A few changes regarding these expectations are in order.
We manifest our Creative Responsiveness by unifying our Contribution into a Self-Generated. Embodied Space or Context, Radiating Love.
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Relationships need co-created contextContext: 1. the experiential container that permits us to see how the content re… to be equal. This requires human beings and not personalities. Personalities treat each other as objects or possessions, assets to produce for us, and partners who will make us the center of their world. While personalities do grow and mature, the core issue is that their perceived need to put themselves first to guarantee their safetySafety: 1. maintaining a state of well being in this moment 2. driving force of …, securitySecurity: 1. maintaining a state of well being through time 2. a driving force o…, and self-importance compromises the equality and trustTrust: 1. faith or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, e… that partners want. Equality in practice means we see a person as a human being with rights and courtesies that are due. We are not concerned with how much some have, what they do, or even their status. What is first and foremost is their capacity to show up and participate as a community member.
Our Radiant Self-Unifying Love means we are in a state of unity regarding our BeautyBeauty: 1. A state of awe, wonder and wholeness arising when we transcend our mi…, Truth and Goodness. This self-perception is not based on what anyone else thinks or believes but comes from our internal balanceBalance: 1. The power or ability to maintain equilibrium under adverse circumsta…. To be true to ourselves, we are always in a state of being and becoming, which allows us to operate without judgment, misperception or criticism. Our wisdom is made from many perceptions and many aspects of ourselves, guiding our steps. Our personal creative affirmation, ’’I am who I am’’ sustains us. We need to maintain personality detachment so we do not fall back into personality love and define ourselves in our attachments, positions, or projections. This will destroy our Co-Creativity immediately, and our personal creativity will be eroded over time. Therefore, falling Is love Is bad but being in love Is creatively fantastic.