Compassionates: Loving Wisdom
Compassionates Primaries are plentiful in the world, particularly those now under 21 years old, which are almost 40% of the younger population. They reflect a sea change in values, the power of reflection and political issues are now being taken up in mass. The biggest targets are Global Warming, all forms of discrimination and guns. These young people will change the world as we know it.
— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
The Price We Pay For Caring
Compassionate expressions can be identified by our sweet innocence, sense of goodness and desire to serve. We are personal advocates for loving each other and ourselves. The more we express ourselves; the more depth and wisdomWisdom: 1. the quality of being wise 2. power of discriminating appropriately in… is revealed. Our warmth, translucence and availabilityAvailability: 1. The ability to marshal our resources so that we can consciously… invite others into our field. Our secret weapon is our ability to tune into the feelings of others and know how to best treat them. This creates a space in which others feel seen and safe to show up authentically.
We may believe we have to apologize when things are not going well for others. Often, we feel that others do not understand us and take us for granted. Some individuals even attack us for being superficial and not real. This can lead to us attempting to build a shield of independent toughness to protect our heart from the turbulence of the world. When people open to us, it allows us to take this shield down, but if they hurt us, we can be known for our stubbornness and capacity to keep everyone at bay.
Compassionates are inspiration oriented, personal introverts with a soft, circular, wide-eyed gaze.
Our struggle is that others cannot see love the way we do. Being tuned into all the conflicts around us becomes an attack on our senses because it demands us to pay attentionAttention: 1. The ability to focus ourselves in a way where we are Present with … to differences rather than similarities. We continually see how love is turned into attachment to sex or how people take care of each other by protecting, directing or making sure their loved ones have what they need. While these behaviors can reflect a commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality… to Radiant Self-Unifying Love, when we make them into demands that others perform, it loses the essence of sharing an experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or…. Even we have trouble grasping the various ways love can be expressed as infinite love, timeless love or as a glamorous adorationAdoration: 1. The acknowledgment of our potential as part of our creative connec… of the ideals of an individual. While these are steps to love, applying these concepts to others somehow distances and insulates us from the transformative experience of love itself.
As Compassionates, we recognize the limits of these terms and understand the reassurance our friends need when they evoke these qualities in the name of love. We mainly feel unable to convey how love is not a desire, a need or an ideal, but rather the evoking of our human capacity to come into a state of communionCommunion: 1. A state where we are creatively Present with ourselves and others … with another. The dissonance we experience from this drive us to be encouraging yet worried that no one will quite understand this enough to make a commitment like this to us.
Compassionates Are Loving Leaders Or Family Scapegoats
As Compassionates, we create our own sense of reality by insisting on seeing the goodness in others. Compassionates like focusing on what is good at the cost of what is not good. Simply stated we tend to deny the negative downside, because we do not want it to occur. This means we are susceptible to idealization and have difficulty seeing the parts of ourselves or others that are not complete or whole. Since so much of our reality is based upon our subjective experience of ourselves, we can become moody or distant when we are in a crisis. Most of the time we do not believe we have a right to assert our view on others.
It is our sensitivity that leads us to question our own worthiness. We can take on the problems of others and then beat ourselves up when we cannot solve these problems. We often need to learn the value of boundariesBoundaries: 1. Becoming conscious of where you and others start 2. Developing a … and what is our business versus what is not. Since we can be self-critical, we are particularly susceptible to criticism by others. When others use guilt, blame or shame to make us wrong, we become more set in our ways and can get anchored in self-pity that drives a form of martyrdom. When this occurs, others use it to justify their attacks on us. Therefore, many of us become the emotional caretakers of our family members and are scapegoated by them.
Most Compassionates feel that people without Compassionate energy lack a degree of sophistication, elegance and grace in their social interactions. Since we are sensitive to the acceptanceThe acknowledgment of another for some way of being (click the word for the full definition) of others and desire appreciationAppreciation: 1. The acknowledgment of alignment in our intent with another 2. T… more than others, we can get caught up in caretaking where we do service on automatic pilot. Ironically, this typically occurs when we are overwhelmed and not able to make appropriate choices as to what we can do and what is beyond our current capacity. If we have Compassionate parents or grandparents, we are taught to do caretaking as way to express love.
Compassionates are the glue that bonds most families, even if they are not fully accepted by them.
Compassionates have an outer softness and sensitivity that hides a very strong interior. They are healers, teachers, and assist others in seeing their own loving nature. Most Compassionates do not understand why the world has so much suffering because they see only opportunities to express goodness. They possess innate wisdom, and some would say they have an inner wisdom that comes out in the most pressing situations. This duality between innocence and strength is mirrored in the way they contribute through love and wisdom. It is personally engaging and disarms others through their goodness reflected by their presencePresence: 1. focusing on inner subtle energies layers where perceptions and the ….
They feed themselves as the glue that keeps people from falling apart. Service is their nature, and they find themselves in doing this in all types of professions. They like to be simple and inspiring. They possess a natural abundance and share it gracefully with others. They demonstrate a commitment to sacrifice themselves if that is what required to make things work. While this is noble, it also undermines their ability to continue serving others. The dilemma is that they seek to take care of others before taking care of themselves. This can lead to a self-denial that keeps them from loving themselves. Their ability to connect with others creates safetySafety: 1. maintaining a state of well being in this moment 2. driving force of … and patience in others. This is because they are exquisite at expressing feelings that make individuals tune into their body awareness.
This creates experiences of tranquility in others where they see their creative greatness. It also stimulates others to love themselves. One of the biggest obstacles they need to overcome is a sense of self-pity or hopelessness when they take on people and cannot find a way to support them. While they are naturally caring, it is only when they become caretakers that they get in trouble. This means they can get lost in their own expectations and desire to be dutiful. What they want to express is humility, faithfulness and empathy which is their highest calling. Unfortunately, when they are not supported in their own abundance, they become fragmented and seek to enforce relationships through conditional expressions of love which leads to attachments that do not work.
Compassionate Contribution Operates Through Its Absorption Quality
Fully actualized Compassionates manifest love and harmony to maximize the strength of their bond with others. Their presence tends to minimize tension and maximize creative flow. It is a field of Radiant Self-Unifying Love that generates these effects. While each linkage is personal, Compassionates enrich the emotions and feelings of everyone they touch. This manifests an expanding net of strong interpersonal connections. In times of stress, this net contract and protects its contents. In times of plenty, it expands and accommodates greater abundance.
Compassionate individuals express themselves in three forms of light, which invites everyone to join their love-wisdom world. This is experienced in communal feelings of common interest. What they say to themselves is “I see the greatest light” and this light envelops their community. In effect, Compassionates open the door to greater sharing of experiences, which allows people to come together with a single human purpose. Therefore, they can affect the most people through creative connections with Orchestrators. They are most susceptible to idealization, because they easily get caught up in negative self-comparisons with others.
Participation, empathy and inclusivity are the main experiences of compassionates when they are fully expressing this contribution. With all Compassionate experiences there is a deepening of our human qualities of vulnerability, receptivity and responsiveness. We experience the amplification of goodness when we are accepted and honored for our gifts. This makes us peaceful and trusting. When we are disconnected from our Compassionate nature, we become critical, nervous, sad, fragile and even despairing. Our natural intimacyIntimacy: 1. the state or fact of being Self-reflective and reflective of our pa… hardens into conditional expressions of love: love as sex, protection, direction and quid-pro-quo exchanges.
A Great Compassionate Example
My friend Sarah is a great example of Compassionate Expression. As a massage therapist, she does more than a laying of hands upon clients’ bodies. What happens is that people are energetically refreshed and are reconnected to their hearts and bodies. She might also discuss the beliefs that are limiting a client’s ability to relax and be present with themselves. By focusing all her attention on her client, she helps create an experience of energetic unityUnity: 1. the state of being one, or united, oneness 2. something complete in it…. I love how her goodness radiates from her, which comes out as an energetic warmth. Her gift is her ability to do radiant self-unifying love with everyone she meets. Her one-on-one inspirational qualities make everything simple and easy.
With her partnerPartner: 1. a person who takes part in some activity in common with another or o… Eli, she now has a child, Viola. Her soft light is growing as she learns how to take a stand for her daughter. Her birth has shifted the whole family’s lives, as Sarah works tirelessly to make everything better for Viola. This consciousConscious: 1. a state of presence that is aware of itself, self reflecting, and … sacrifice for her daughter is a common way Compassionates demonstrate the power of Radiant, Self-Unifying Love. By putting aside attachments, positions and projections of what she needs for what her daughter needs keeps Sarah’s love growing and expanding. It is also an example of seeing the greatest light, which for her, is her daughter. This process has brought a lot of motherly healing to Sarah, because her mother did not know how to be accepting— either creatively or in a loving way.
Primary, Secondary & Mental Body Compassionates
If the descriptions above generally apply to you and you see this as your most important contribution, then your Compassionate expression is likely on the Primary level. This means you experience a sense of fulfillment with each person you meet who can love you back. It is the mutual sharing of love that allows you to deal with people in different life circumstances.
If, on the other hand, you see yourself aligned to the values and to forwarding the principles of the Compassionates by doing them with excellence, then you are likely a Secondary Compassionate expression. You can validate being a Secondary Compassionate if you usually experience a sense of achievement, success and securitySecurity: 1. maintaining a state of well being through time 2. a driving force o… by teaching others about love, even if they cannot return it in the moment.
Finally, you are likely a Compassionate on the Mental Body level if you feel committed to be this way and want to match the expectations of others that you are this way. This is easily validated by the degree of safety you feel losing yourself in the problems of others because you want to be helpful. This boundary confusion occurs when we have Compassionate imprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens… on top of our Compassionate Mental Body (which is true for 70% of Compassionate Mental Body people) and we are not able to separate our needs from the needs of others. In our desire to be unselfish, we give away our right to say no. This is one of the reasons why parental imprinting opens the door to denying our true expression.
Consider how you express your Compassionate nature. While everyone can be empathic, some individuals are called to it as a mission. Are you one of these?
When we have Compassionate imprinting then we place ourselves in the middle of other people’s needs and wonder why it is that we need to rescue them. Proving we are caring is everything to us, because this was the most important message we were taught by our parents and family. If our parents were sacrificing themselves for us, the message we received is that we do not matter unless we sacrifice ourselves to the same degree. This instills life guilt, where we need to put others first or be a bad person. We need to recognize that we have our own creative contributions that supersede our parental imprinting. Let caring for others be the job of authentic Compassionates, for they can succeed where we cannot.