Creativity,The Source ofLove
— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries.
Creativity is Humanities Greatest Tool for Redemption
CreativityCreativity: 1. a response to a situation where some new possibility can Transmut… is a mysteryMystery: 1. the process of participation without having to know or understand th… for most. We seldom realize that there are seven creative expressions because each one of us is a combination of three. In effect, this generates 343 permutations (7 x 7 x 7) of creative gifts. What makes it more daunting is that we embrace each of these creative expressions with seven levels of actualization, the bottom two relate to the antithesis of the expression of this intelligence. For example, the Inventor Expression is as a creative change agent, but its first two steps reflect fear of change or being against change. This means that when we are repressed and denied in any expression, we work against ourselves. More on each expression in the succeeding blogs.
It is no wonder that creativity appears sporadically because it takes recognizing our intentIntent: 1. a reflection of will, either personal or Universal, that defines our …, contentContent: 1. the outer appearance, item or thought that defines the set of possib… and contextContext: 1. the experiential container that permits us to see how the content re… for all three of our expressions to manifest together. For each expression we work on all three levels, even though the intent is controlled by the Mental Body Intelligence, the content is gathered by the Secondary Expression and the context masters our Primary expression. All growthGrowth: 1. an evolutionary Aliveness or life building process 2. reflects an abi… is first focused on body action, then constructed in mental perceptions, before it is fully expressed as a field or context of our creative beingCreative Being: 1. the unity of consciousness embodied as identification with ou…. This is how we embody or internalize our creativity, so we can express it fully and freely. Co-creative relationships use the consciousness generated by these three fires within us: life, light and love.
"Creativity is all about patterns, inter-connections, and ways of manifesting our engagement."
Larry Byram
Many are fortunate to experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… creativity as a spectrum of vibrational intelligences. Creativity can be organized by forms of activity, the capacity to relate one to another and the overall quality of the result. On an unconsciousUnconscious: 1. a state driven by repressed fears and desires where we seek to a… level our creativity is experienced as impulses, but with practice, concentration and refinement, various types of creativity can be invoked upon demand. ConsciousConscious: 1. a state of presence that is aware of itself, self reflecting, and … creativity is the ability to combine activity, thoughtThought: 1. electromagnetic fields that are born in the process of thinking 2. a… and function, hopefully with a pleasing result. We affirm our creative design when we detach ourselves from associative, defensive or reactionary thinking and begin to use a creative energy to express an intent. This leads to the combining of different intents to create purpose and a result. Over time we develop an ability to align our creative expression behind our three intelligences, which opens a world of creative thought to us. Finally, it is our ability to be present with our Creative SelfCreative Self: 1. a state of Being of connection to the Universe where we natura…, that allows us to interact creatively with others.
Co-dependent relationships are mainly defined by how our creative expressions are distorted and minimize by our partners type of creativity or lack of it. We initially choose creative parental patterns substitutes for our partners because of the familiarity and our expectations from past conditioning. These unconscious choices are identified by excitementExcitement: 1. being agitated on a physical level due to the belief that some in…. We initially choose our opposite gender parent pattern if we are heterosexual and the same gender parent if we are homosexual. This instinctiveInstinctive: 1. a non-reflective state of consciousness where we operate to guar… pattern constantly irritates us as our partnerPartner: 1. a person who takes part in some activity in common with another or o… triggers parental reactions.
We then shift to creatively and defensively opposite partner choices to address securitySecurity: 1. maintaining a state of well being through time 2. a driving force o… fears and compete with them. Finally, we seek out individuals with similar aspirations and ideals but do not know how to best support our partners creative expression. It is not until we understand the interaction of actualized creative expressions between individuals that we come to appreciate how similarities accentuate and accelerate our development.
We Can Build Creativity Top-Down, Inside Out,
or the reverse, Instinctively
Knowing about creativity is the key to attracting and seeing individuals with the same creative expression and sequence. Creativity develops our awareness about similarities and differences. The goal is to explore various creative expressions so we can notice our natural response and affirm what is aligned within us. Without external exposure to different ways of engaging the world we have limited ways of grasping our own creative greatness. Therefore, we will be writing about the different expressions so you may notice the degree of resonance you experience.
When we can activate our creative intent by engaging our Mental Body intelligence, we manifest fearless expression and daring. We develop our Mental Body expression through experimentation with what works and does not work for us. Every expansion of our awareness indicates a realignment within ourselves where we assimilate a new skill or gift. This information is usually stored in our gut and eventually develops into body wisdomWisdom: 1. the quality of being wise 2. power of discriminating appropriately in…. Overtime our wisdom overrides instinctive fears, so we become less reactive to environmental changes and challenges.
Our Secondary expression empowers our outer success and helps us develop the discrimination so that we can intelligently apply ourselves to world circumstances. Being open to learn helps us to embrace the quality of this intelligence. It is about conceptual playfulnessPlayfulness: 1. a commitment to passionately engaging what is in front of us wit… and questioning past assumptions so we can see things from a greater sense of perception. Engaging creative projects together allows us to practice how to cooperate and grow with each other.
Our Primary expression is where we experience our greatest fulfillment and joyJoy: 1. a state of well-being and wholeness that arises from a balanced apprecia…. The goal of our primary expression is to break free of all past hindrances so we can accomplish our life purpose. Usually this means stirring up the pot and paying attentionAttention: 1. The ability to focus ourselves in a way where we are Present with … to what shows up. Being alert helps us to re-orient to what is changing or how we are growing. By recognizing our constituents and support team we see that we don’t need to do it all alone. This drives us to invite support so we can learn from others as much as they learn from us.
"Our Mental Body expression protects us, our Secondary expression helps us be successful, while our Primary creative expression joyfully fulfills us."
Larry Byram
We do not need to choose perfect partners to benefit from Co-creativity. While we would caution you against having partners, bosses or subordinates that match your parents’ creative sequences (for this happens frequently) and only produces frustration. We suggest engaging friendships, business association searches and any people with the same primary expression. This quickly awakens us to our negative imprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens… (which is a form of lying to ourselves). By noticing how we have reactions that limit or divert our natural expression, we can eliminate them. When others with the same primary expression irritate us, rest assured it reveals a part of ourselves that we have been taught not to love.
The goal of Higher AlignmentAlignment: 1. A condition of close cooperation or shared intention where compati… (click the word for the full definition) is to weaken our creative resources so we will inevitably discover the joy and productivity of conscious relationshipsConscious Relationships: 1. any type of relationship wherein both parties unders…. This is how we come to embody our creative design. Each of us has a unique creative contribution, purpose and constituents that we are here to serve. Higher Alignment seeks to be your partner in manifesting your life work. We are here to support you in building conscious relationships in all areas of your life. Our intention is for your Life, Light, and Love to fully emerge. The Higher Alignment process is a conscious accelerator so you can most easily get to where you are going.
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