— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Independence Hides Our Desire For Synchronization
Implementers are the personal one on one expression of action to establish order. We can be recognized for our tenacity, toughness and strength, particularly in the face of adversity. We want things to be productive and efficient without having to tell anyone what to do. Unfortunately, this requires that the other people we engage with be Implementers as well because only they are committed to always improving the way things get done.
Other creative expressions do not get the same joyJoy: 1. a state of well-being and wholeness that arises from a balanced apprecia… out of being more efficient and therefore push back often on the expectations that things should be done in a particular way to work. Implementers are aghast that non-Implementers have no kinesthetic guidance about how much energy it takes to do certain things, so their activities are often chaotic and unpredictable. This drives us Implementers wild because it violates our intention to bring order and efficiency to anything we do.
Implementers are action oriented, personal introverts with a plan of attack, daring others to challenge them.
One of the best characterizations of an undeveloped Implementer is a bootcamp drill sergeant who instills a sense of discipline and focus by training recruits to do everything by his command. While this breaks down our personality structures and is repulsive to Inventors, who are the polar opposite of Implementers, it is fundamentally the difference between a masculineMasculine: 1. on a Gender Identity level, it reflects operating as a male 2. bey… framework of Intentional becoming versus a feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b… framework of spontaneous being.
Implementers love experiences of synchronization, such as experienced in marching or other types of drills where people must operate in concert to survive. This experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… creates intense bonding within a team or even family which is undergoing stress. When survivalSurvival: 1. a state of inner collapse where all our resources are focused on gu… is threatened, Implementer expressions rise to the challenge and take authority so that any damage is minimized to the group under its charge. The ability to respond to demand assists in the alignmentAlignment: 1. A condition of close cooperation or shared intention where compati… (click the word for the full definition) on a physical level but also can direct solutions on an intellectualIntellectual: 1. a dualistic framework where our positions reflect a partial vie… level as well.
As we saw in the 1950s after World War II, productivity was enhanced through conformity of thinking. This was touted as the “organizational man” who could think in terms of systems and continually grow an organization through improvements in process and structures. Today, Implementers espouse a higher degree of synchronization by demanding alignment in terms of purpose and complimentary goals. Implementers have moved from celebrity football players to strategic thinkers and philosophers because of a desire for order and understanding. Implementer legacies provide the foundation for most businesses and other organizational structures.
While the drive for constant improvement is admirable, when we project it onto others, they feel imprisoned by our expectations. This leads to conflicts when the Implementer believes a process is in the best interest of the group, and an individual (for reasons of personal rights and freedomFreedom: 1. a state of responsiveness, an ability to creatively act, cleanly wit…) refuses to conform to the process. This is another reason why the combination of Inventors and Implementers push us to think in new ways.
Implementers love doing and practical action. They see themselves as builders on both intellectual and physical levels. This makes them very sensitive to the quality of integrity. Something either works or it does not work. Implementers want to make things work and see themselves as failures if they cannot. They like measuring productivity, progress, and use this awareness to help others identify what is working. On their highest level, they become philosopher kings because they seek to understand their place in the world and need to organize things in their mind to be able to respond to all circumstances. What Implementers hide is their internal understanding of what is required to make things happen.
In positive terms they are percipient manipulator which means they experience things in energetic terms and want to create momentum around activities to leverage their results. They are also strong organizational thinkers. They look for structural weaknesses or stress points to make sure durability is part of everything they do. This expression can be tough on others when they do not meet their standard of performance. On the other hand, anyone who tries to improve their productivity becomes a golden child to Implementers.
Implementers focus on integrity makes them build from the inside out. They want to demonstrate activities that fulfill their intentIntent: 1. a reflection of will, either personal or Universal, that defines our …. They then want to create tools that amplify their thinking. Finally, they want to summarize and simplify principles that help people attain insight and understanding with others. This means that they evolve into an appreciationAppreciation: 1. The acknowledgment of alignment in our intent with another 2. T… for teamwork and group integrity which was originally only a dream of theirs.
Under stress they learn to adapt and focus on what will succeed. They love order and like to idealize principals that impose it so that others can count on the environment being set up in an appropriate way. Some would say that this systematic ordering of items and activities creates a certain comfort because it regulates them and their activities. Usually, the real reason is they enjoy earning the results they are manifesting. They subscribe to the motto that to just do it. Over time they move from tactical to strategic to abstract thinking. This occurs because of their organizational abilities. They like grounding themselves into the earth so they are the most practical people around.
They do well as entrepreneurs because of their fierce independenceIndependence: 1. condition or objective of defining oneself outside of the contr… and competitive spirit. The downside is that they get caught up in their roles of productivity so much that they could become workaholics that do not spend enough time with their families or decompress. At their best, they are tuned into doing things with the right timing and action and diversifying their interest.
Implementer Contribution Operates Through Hierarchy & Alignment
Fully actualized Implementers bring a sense of order and purpose to their activities. They bring about the regeneration of intent by interacting with others with their intent guiding the process. They convey an optimum structure for manifesting clear unambiguous goals. They feel satisfied when others can replicate their activities loyalty and faithfully. This quietly manifests as diligence and follow through. Implementers can immediately connect to Orchestrators and Investigators and provide project status and updates. With Compassionate and Visionaries, they can be an extension of their co- creative efforts, but Implementers define their own guidelines and mission goals. Implementers are co-contributors with Storytellers, because there is mutual respect and equality where neither oversteps their bounds. The productive processes of Implementors and Storytellers are generally amplified. The opposite occurs with Inventors, who constant change irritates the order of Implementers. Implementers can be easily seduced by objectification and subjectification because it appeals to their desire to reduce complexity.
Having similar activities and processes always build trustTrust: 1. faith or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, e… with Implementers. They are heroic, powerful and courageous in their pursuit of perfect action. Problems arise when there is no clear purpose or goal. Without accountability to something higher, they lose interest, personal momentum and enthusiasm. This leads to compromise where despair, and powerlessness to place themselves on the right track is limited by a leader, or authority mindset. What they need is a set hierarchy establishing the ideal or standard of behavior. Without this external framework, it is hard to place yourself in your proficiency. Without a course of action, we become angry, apathetic and/or remorseful.
Implementers are typically pragmatic and focused on intelligent response. While they are identified with action, they do not close possible improvements, but like to refine what is already working. Their consciousness is in the moment, because ”purpose itself I am.” This means nothing can interfere with their path, because it is known. Their concrete intelligence is guiding them exactly to the right place and time. They get to this place through stillness, solitude and silenceSilence: 1. the process of affirming and releasing thoughts so that we can deepe…. When we can engage this practice, they can see the difference between personality reaction and authentic, aligned action. This creates a way to reset and regenerate.
An Implementor Example
My friend Curt is a highly actualized Implementer who always carries around a knife that is sharp enough to cut through walls in case of an earthquake. He personally demonstrated this to me by his ability to quickly escape a building with everyone following him when we had an earthquake in the San Francisco area. Curt has been a tremendous asset to our group because when anyone needed to move, he would volunteer to bring his truck and help you do it in one pass. He would show up with people who he had trained that ‘once you pick something up, you never put it down anywhere except the exact place it needs to be’. He taught us to pack things so they could not move and would not need to be tied down or wrapped in anything not going where it needed to be. Implementers care about doing the whole job and leaving no stone unturned. Their satisfaction comes from reviewing how things worked so they can make them better.
Of course, this example is a little extreme because he was also an Act First individual (in his Communication process), so he never wanted to talk about anything before he did it. The point was that he was extremely sensitive to defining a process that was going to work well from start to finish and assure you would have energy afterwards to celebrate. Implementers abhor a lack of clarity, follow through or commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality…. They constantly remind us that trying or making an effort is not good enough. Instead, you need the capacity to envision the whole process in a body centered way so you can implement without any mistakes. They store their experience in their muscle memory so that the amount of tension or adaptability they have in any situation is geared toward a clean result.
Curt is professionally a writer who prides himself on being able to write an article in less than forty minutes. Curt and his partnerPartner: 1. a person who takes part in some activity in common with another or o… Ruth (who is also an Implementer) established the Respecting our Elders food distribution program in Marin County. True to its Implementer spirit, it brings everyone together to distribute food throughout the entire community. It demonstrates how any individual can make a difference in their community by respecting the dignity of those with less. I love how Curt and Ruth exemplify that everyone can be resourceful participants in solving world problems.
Primary, Secondary & Mental Body Implementers
If you are a primary Implementer expression, you demonstrate fire in your activity by letting nothing and no one daunt you. Your capacity to improve processes and constantly challenge the time each process takes inspires you to measure yourself. This empowers you to always test likely product improvements to see if they are authentic or not. If you are a secondary Implementer expression, you focus on loyalty, conformity and having others agree with your course of action. Your desire to do good is more personal and practical. You see yourself as being able to serve others by seeing how best to complete their activities. You sometimes get frustrated by a lack of progress and will do almost anything to get things moving again. Using force is often your fantasyFantasy: 1. the projection of our desires on the situation allowing us to believ… when people become obstacles to what you see as a solution.
As a secondary Implementer, you love your principles and believe everyone should have a code. As an Implementer mental body expression, you cannot separate yourself from the action. You always see yourself in a state of doing because to stop would require you to question yourself or to reflect on alternatives. Most would say that you are pre-ordained to do whatever you think you need to in any situation without consulting anyone, which makes others think you are a loose cannon. Creative expressions that are not Implementers do not see the value of kinesthetic knowing and clean precise action that minimizes effort. These individuals are often afraid to experiment with action the way they may experiment with feelings or thoughts. These individuals fear how quickly things can get out of hand when Implementers pursue a certain path of action. What they are mostly reacting to is their own fears of tunnel vision and how, in taking action, it may be impossible to undo the result.
When we have Implementer imprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens…, our value is based on how much we accomplish things. We have been taught that only action matters so minimizing any discussions is appropriate because it interferes with action. The message was to use your actions, because they speak more powerfully than words. We also were taught not to betray our friends and if you are a man, to endure any pain to prove yourself and the value of your purpose. If you are a woman, you need to put aside feelings and emotions to be accepted as an effective contributor. The key message is that we need to dare to be great in manifest productive breakthroughs to be the best. Implementer imprinting is also about being stoic, tough and strong so we can prove our capacity to overcome any obstacles.
While we may not have as many Implementers in the United States as we once did, the business, government and academic institutions that Implementers created still persevere. We owe a debt to these individuals who were the productive builders of our society.