Inventors: Change Agents
Inventors are the most open, creative beings able to embrace change. As the pace setters for technological, political and social adaptation, they are always on the firing line. Each is seeking to hold the largest possibility so they can be a spokesperson for the future and have a say in how things should evolve. In effect, dueling contexts are in play, giving us headaches trying to anticipate what we need to do next.
— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Not Being Seen Leads To Creative Rebellion
As Inventors, we are a catalyst for change. Our primary desire is to create new possibilities so that solutions with elegance and beautyBeauty: 1. A state of awe, wonder and wholeness arising when we transcend our mi… (click the word for the full definition) emerge. This reflects that our feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b… (click the word for the full definition) qualities of spaciousness and wisdomWisdom: 1. the quality of being wise 2. power of discriminating appropriately in… (click the word for the full definition) are much more extensive than in the other creative expressions because our job is to bring the ideas together as a whole. It is our adaptability that makes us sensitive to the ideas of others and as children it causes us to take on more imprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens… (click the word for the full definition) to please others. Most of us develop extreme capacities to be chameleon-like so we can fit in, but we come to resent how we end up compromising ourselves to make our family, friends and partners happy.
As Inventors, we understand deeply the cost of taking on the patterns of others in order to gain temporary acceptanceThe acknowledgment of another for some way of being (click the word for the full definition). We eventually realize that this is a trap, where the more we define ourselves in terms of others, the more we lose our creative selves in the process. By adapting to others, it requires extensive effort to maintain these inauthentic connections. Others become enamored by our immediate capacity to reflect them, which then limits our ability to be authentic. The result is the more we are not seen, the more we need to rebel to prove we are not just what others want us to be.
Inventors are personal-expression oriented, idea-focused thinkers with a volatile passion for doing the unexpected.
Larry Byram Tweet
Another part of this problem is the fact that we, more than any other creative expression, believe we can be anything we desire. Our feminine creativityCreativity: 1. a response to a situation where some new possibility can Transmut… (click the word for the full definition) makes this possibility real so we can even deceive ourselves when we end up believing what others want us to be. This requires a lot of self-discipline so that the ways we show up are truly authentic to us. Our ability to morph into different frameworks can also generate moodiness when we get seduced into showing up the way others want us to show up. This means we need to be careful about the principles and ideals we adopt because they represent significant investments in our time and energy as we develop ourselves.
Inventors are out-of-the-box problem solvers. They are masters of generating creative ideas which makes them powerful change agents in the world. They contain an optimism and desire to improve and expand choices for others almost at any cost. The big challenge for them is in the implementation process. Frequently the ideas they manifest require a team which requires them to integrate their activities with others.
Inventors have little interest in status quo understanding or implementation. Instead, they want to spring forth and grapple with new discoveries that change the world. Usually, this kind of transformationTransformation: 1. the ability to transcend our dualistic thought process and Em… (click the word for the full definition) requires shifting relationships into a new level of connectionConnection: 1. the first step in the Seven Steps of Enlightened Dating where we … (click the word for the full definition). It means re-ordering the way we experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… (click the word for the full definition) and process harmonic resonance. In their imaginations, they see a new way for things to operate that would serve a particular community better than anything previous. They also want this creation to be appreciated for its uniqueness and beauty.
Distant Disarming
Disnamic Defense
Inventors are looking for a way to resolve a conflictConflict: 1. a perception, either internal, external or both where different Mot… (click the word for the full definition) or duality in the environment so people can experience the new creation and the alignmentAlignment: 1. A condition of close cooperation or shared intention where compati… (click the word for the full definition) it brings. Their primary value is freedomFreedom: 1. a state of responsiveness, an ability to creatively act, cleanly wit… (click the word for the full definition) which you can see in the way they work. Being incredibly multisensory in nature, they go through peaks and valleys in their creative process based initially on manifesting the great concept and then recovering when they complete the process. We call this ‘burst mode’ because they are able to coordinate many breakthroughs and then need to completely relax for some time. Inventors’ creative processes go through cycles where they are incredibly expansive and then need to contract to bring things together so they can be manifested.
Inventors are not time oriented. Their ability to concentrate on their experience creates distortions in their senses around time, which means that trying to lock them into a fixed schedule reduces their creative output. Therefore, Inventors like project work or being independent so they can manage their own energetic process optimally. It is also why they are so sensitive to music and frequently become musicians or artists to express themselves. When Inventors focus on physical activity, they become craftsmen and want to make hand-made things that are beautiful possessions.
Other Inventors use their thoughts to create beauty in many different professions from architecture to advertising. One of the main indicators of an Inventor is their ambivalence about what others consider important. They reserve the right to value what they think is important and are highly driven to accomplish it. While they can be inspiring, most of the time they focus on grounding the expression, so it becomes a conversation that empowers people. This reflects their rebellious nature at trying to change how people think so the world can become a more harmonious place. When they ground their expression, they need a lot of physical space. When their space is cluttered, they do not perform in an optimal manner.
Metaphorically they need a clear inner space to reflect the outer space they live in. They are incredible chameleons in early life because they can mimic and imitate others easily. Over time they realize that people become attached to their ‘characters’, and so they become increasingly reluctant to play these characteristics. While they may have the capacity to adapt, they become increasingly resistant when they don’t have a larger purpose in mind. Inventors have a shiny irrepressible ingenuity that endears them to others. This can be responsible for others idealizing them because it seems magical. The challenge is, who do Inventors want to be and how do they wish to contribute? Even they struggle with this issue.
Distant Disarming
Disarming Defense
Inventor Contribution Operates Through Its Fluidity
Fully actualized Inventors bring a sense of openness, change and the exploration of potential. They create energy fields of possibilities and see what people respond to. They love using their imaginations and insights to find ways for others to have more choices. They share their idealized quest for freedom, confronting the status quo whenever repression or suppression occurs. This desire to free everyone from their self-imposed thoughtThought: 1. electromagnetic fields that are born in the process of thinking 2. a… (click the word for the full definition) limitations, coupled with their unified capacity to integrate all the modalities, allows them to co-create with anyone willing to be committed to a larger vision. They also experience great conflict when others are not receptive to change (65% of the planet).
Inventors are attracted to Visionaries and Investigators because they also want to improve ideas and bring resources together that enable this. Inventor Primaries want to generate a viral thought form that captures the attentionAttention: 1. The ability to focus ourselves in a way where we are Present with … (click the word for the full definition) of others and makes change easier. They are highly susceptible to all the defensive distortions because their energetic make-up is 95% feminine expression. Their love fields or contextContext: 1. the experiential container that permits us to see how the content re… (click the word for the full definition) are somewhat more variable and sporadic, and depend on receiving feedback from recipients or constituents. Inventors are stimulated by discussions that look at a situation from every point of view. They love coming up with unique possibilities that no one has ever considered. These qualities manifest as electric fire in a bottle. Their motto is “Two merge with one.” They live in a world of dualities which they seek to make whole. They create harmony through conflict.
When Inventors are in a state of creative flow, they feel free, open, adventurous and imaginative. They are responsive and self-reflective regarding music because of their sensitivity to feelings and emotions. They vacillate between being expressive, confident and valued, to not being seen and frustrated because of this. This can lead them into cycles of depression where unexpressed anger surprises and stresses them out. When this occurs, they become tired, numb and withdrawn and they can also become out of control and nauseated by feedback from their own experience. Despite this they are the most widely open experiential individuals, who are never repetitive or boring.
An Inventor Example
My friend Praveen is a creative catalyst extraordinaire. As an entrepreneur, he works with organizations that are dealing with change. He loves to find the hidden issues so they can be incorporated directly into management solutions. He is irrepressible and unwilling to give up on anything. His commitmentCommitment: 1. A pledge or promise to engage or produce some result 2. A quality… (click the word for the full definition) to examine all the possibilities can drive some of his co-workers a bit crazy because he is so passionate about it. Some individuals are mesmerized by his capacity to dance with any subject that is brought up. He is an intelligent advocate for many domains of knowledge which makes him a jack-of-all-trades.
While many Inventors have difficulty implementing their ideas, Praveen is willing to make commitments on the spot to clients when he understands what they need, and he knows he can deliver it. This kind of spontaneous redesign of his tools to accomplish new purposes is his trademark. It is also inspiring to others because they feel caught up in the creative solution-building process. Behind the scenes, he can be either fun-loving or determined to make some solution work. His business partners have learned that when he is on a roll, to let him show them how far he can go. They describe their work as finding ways to ground his ideas so they can be quickly and practically implemented.
Primary, Secondary & Mental Body Inventors
Those with Inventor energy on the Primary level are the most spontaneous and wide-ranging in their desire to create practical solutions. They have an extraordinary ability to deal with the unknown and bring it into focus so that it solves conflicts while simultaneously adding enormous value. Some Inventor Primaries fight for their ideas to be implemented over a lifetime. This is because they develop their own guiding principles so that their designs are always elegant and beautiful. It is important to recognize that Inventor Primaries place no limits on any possibilities. It can be as big as it needs to be, to make the right impression and impact.
Those with Inventor energy on the Secondary level are more focused on personal impacts than the larger group impacts of Inventor Primaries. They tend to focus on making things better for people in the moment. Their commitment is to integrate human expression to an individual’s Primary expression motivation. This means they take a much more personal approach by looking at the aesthetics, the functionality, and the sense of craftsmanship that would personalize a solution to an individual. While there is no grand architecture, Inventor Secondaries seek to design a solution around a particular person so they can be assured that it is on target. Another key issue is whether a particular solution is relevant to a particular person. Inventor Secondaries make sure there is a connection between the solution and the person, so the person becomes elevated.
Distant Disarming
Finally, those with Inventor energy on the Mental Body or third level are always able to redefine themselves and their project processes in new ways based on the availabilityAvailability: 1. The ability to marshal our resources so that we can consciously… (click the word for the full definition) of resources, people and their own schedules. This level of Inventor uses their creativity primarily to empower their own creative flow in whatever they are doing. They demonstrate incredible ingenuity and a capacity to adapt to unknown problems that emerge as they engage the situation. This is because they are not attached to any creative process being done in a prescribed way. This allows them incredible versatility to approach a problem from many different angles, and even to do things out of the normal sequence because of some obstacle that prevents it from happening in any other way.
The question becomes: ‘How much do you, as an Inventor, design solutions for groups, friends/partners or for yourself?’ Only individuals who have Inventor on the Primary do all three levels. Secondary Inventors work with others and themselves in a more personal framework. Mental Body Inventors focus on maximizing their personal creativity by doing things in unexpected ways. All three of these expressions are out-of-the-box problem solvers. The difference is in what drives them.
The biggest problem for Inventors is to find what their authentic contribution is without concern about what others think about it. When Inventors are passionate about an idea and put that idea above everything else in their life, the breakthroughs that occur are tremendous. It takes commitment and self-discipline to implement and manifest these ideas in form. This is what makes them the most versatile co-creators among all the creative expressions.
When we have Inventor imprinting (conditioning from others), we view our value as finding new ways to address problems. We use a virgin thought and even chaos, to confuse the situation, looking for the best way to be seen as different, exciting and insightful. Our goal is to identify the gem of an idea before anyone else notices it. This has us scrambling to validate our ideas, which leads to greater delays than we anticipate. Inventors always need to organize the structure of data in their own way before they can standardize it for others. Others lose faith in our ability to respond. This increases our desperation and belief that we need to save the day, and this pressure either breaks us or we discover something important at the last minute that keeps us going. Inventor imprinting is a roller coaster of stresses that frequently that are in conflict with each other, which is why it tends to break down over time.