The Higher Alignment Manifesto
— From The Wise Old Sage Commentaries
Our Mission: To Experience Our Essential Nature
Our life experienceExperience: 1. the apprehension and transformation of reality, circumstances, or… (click the word for the full definition), the light of wisdomWisdom: 1. the quality of being wise 2. power of discriminating appropriately in… (click the word for the full definition), and the creative self-love that support us make change and growthGrowth: 1. an evolutionary Aliveness or life building process 2. reflects an abi… (click the word for the full definition) significant. It should be evident by now that we are in a battle to uplift human nature to learn how to work and play together synergistically. Our problem is not a lack of resources or ingenuity but recognizing that we will not survive the next 20 years without relationship understanding and acceptanceThe acknowledgment of another for some way of being (click the word for the full definition). We need to confront our differences and learn how to thrive with them. Global warming, the depletion of oceans, water, and soil, and the lack of a sustainable approach to housing and feeding our population cannot wait.
The awakening of the creative spirit has brought us to a perilous moment. A few of us know who we are and have battled our personal needs to become more creative and transpersonal. We are here to celebrate our creativityCreativity: 1. a response to a situation where some new possibility can Transmut… (click the word for the full definition) – and this shift to embrace Life, Light and Love (or energy, time and space) by overcoming safetySafety: 1. maintaining a state of well being in this moment 2. driving force of … (click the word for the full definition) fears, securitySecurity: 1. maintaining a state of well being through time 2. a driving force o… (click the word for the full definition) desires, and personality self-importance, has revealed the real threat. It is not our focus on fulfilling sexual animalistic urges or needing to be seen as ‘right’ that matters. Our self-loathing, fear of criticism, and our creative void keep us from harmonious, Co-Creative Partnerships. The real obstacle is our lack of creative understanding and self-acceptance. While several of us travel these self-actualization pathways, the larger picture is still unclear to most.
I am not a traditional leader but rather a listener, communicator, and researcher committed to seeing and nurturing quality relationships by reflecting on them. My childhood dream was to grow up in a world that works for everyone and I have developed Higher AlignmentAlignment: 1. A condition of close cooperation or shared intention where compati… (click the word for the full definition) (HA) to expand this work with others. This manifesto is our first step. The key strengths or qualities that I contribute are relationship foresight and creative calibration. To this end, I have created a framework of five ‘consciousness validations’ called MotivesMotives: 1. the primary Intent behind thought, action and deed 2. primarily orga… (click the word for the full definition), Attractions, Skills, Compatibility FactorsCompatibility Factors: 1. a set of creative distinctions which highlight differe… (click the word for the full definition), and Common Neutral GroundCommon Neutral Ground: 1. The capacity to create a neutral independent relations… (click the word for the full definition) (CNG). They highlight our commonalities as well as our compromises, explain the tug of war between fear and desire, and support us in accepting our true human nature. They are shortcuts to create consciousConscious: 1. a state of presence that is aware of itself, self reflecting, and … (click the word for the full definition), top-down co-creative growth. I have shared this transpersonal journey with many people during the past 33 years. Use these frameworks to consider whether your vision matches ours.
While previously unimagined, there is a map of creative human characteristics that explains and predicts our current reactions and responses in the world. This map uses over 60 variables and 300 elements to describe our behaviors, motivations, growth and consciousness. It has been tested for the last 33 years, leading us to being able to predict attractions, relationship lessons, and when a breakup is likely to occur. This has encouraged us to teach about the differences between co-dependent relationships and Co-Creative connections. In business, we can anticipate problems or creative harmony based on the selection of team members. We are working in companies to create purposeful alignment. We now see how these patterns apply to all groups, states or even countries. This is Higher Alignment’s Theory of Conscious Creative Partnerships.
Our Mission: Nurture Conscious Relationships
We do not need to look far from our own lives to see that most of our relationships are in a state of disarray. This reflects our mixed motives, a lack of integration between our feminineFeminine: 1. on a Gender Identity level it refers to being female 2. on levels b… (click the word for the full definition) and masculineMasculine: 1. on a Gender Identity level, it reflects operating as a male 2. bey… (click the word for the full definition) sides, and how we evaluate and compare ourselves to others on a personality basis. We become preoccupied with what people will think. We invest most of our time in looking good, proving what we know, and imposing our aspirations of self-importance on everyone. These co-dependent relationships are negotiated transactions based on false compromises of safety, security and egregious hyper-superiority. The cost is that they do not last long and often end in divorce. On a personal level this creates turbulence, irritation, guilt, blame, shame and pain, which are hard to measure, though we feel the impact for years. The real issue is that these defensive patterns limit growth and authentic creative development. Due to this, we are never able to declare our purpose or experience our true gifts.
We experience these personal defenses as the norm, smothering our creative originality with off-balance, co-dependent interactions. I speak for those who seek civil, peaceful discourse. In the United States we are currently struggling with how coarseness, purchased sponsorship, authoritarian imbalances, and the metered exchange of transactional needs do not serve us. In this war, our attentionAttention: 1. The ability to focus ourselves in a way where we are Present with … (click the word for the full definition) is being attacked by incessant media, surveillance capitalism, and a lack of self-care regarding exercise, sleep, and food. There are three tragedies: 1) the friction of conditioned, repetitious answers that no longer work; 2) the escalation to fighting, which only makes our differences inescapable; and 3) the attempt through personal will to bend, shift, control and dominate others in a vain attempt to make our world conform to us.
Today we are a small minority, some would say, composing less than 15% of US society. As Cultural Creatives, we have weathered the last four years and wondered what this has taught us. Most individuals ignore or deny their authentic creativity. The political dissension has shown us that we need to listen differently. We need to stop idealizing people, good or bad, and place our faith in cooperative experiments and discourse. We need to identify our polarities because it is a lack of identity, and not ideas, that people are fighting over. We are caught in the illusions of separate, defensive realities because we do not share everyday experiences between our sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts. This conditioning and conflictConflict: 1. a perception, either internal, external or both where different Mot… (click the word for the full definition) need to be healed. What we need is deeper meaning, not more counter-balanced positions.
Not even the truth is accepted and understood because no one knows how to validate it. Authentic truth is non-reactive, complete and present in our hearts at this moment. Positions or half-perspectives are intense, unbalanced, require repetition to remember, and keep us from relaxing. There is no inner wholeness until we embrace both differences and similarities equally. Without inner wholeness the result is a world of excitementExcitement: 1. being agitated on a physical level due to the belief that some in… (click the word for the full definition) where our body experience is denied, or intensity where our positions are attacked, or anxiety where our passions and love are compromised. This reflects that we have lost our Creative Self-connection. Our desire for superiority and self-importance compels us to idolize ourselves, so comparisons to others always benefit us (at least in our minds). Therefore, we live in a continuously self-deceptive transitional process, where nothing is safe, secure or predictable.
Accepting Equality and Creative Differences = Diversity
Co-Creative partners operate honoring all people, even if it is uncomfortable — because everyone deserves our respect, esteem and unconditional acceptance. We now share the personality price and pain for the freedomFreedom: 1. a state of responsiveness, an ability to creatively act, cleanly wit… (click the word for the full definition) to grow, speak our truth, and engage in the weaving of our great democracy. This quilt of unityUnity: 1. the state of being one, or united, oneness 2. something complete in it… (click the word for the full definition) has much to teach us, and we are its willing pupils. The answer is found in our moral courage. We must align our intention to our behavior and truth. We do this by engaging our attractions in a way that makes it delightful to learn. We can associate with like-minded individuals who will not tolerate judgment, elitism, criticism, sarcasm, and hypocrisy. We must not participate in the unraveling of relationships because they are the glue of our society. Neither should we hold onto old ideas of relationships, for renewal brings forth new Life, Light and Love.
Look around and see our future. It will be entirely determined by how inclusive we can be. Creative denial has repressed women, devastated people of color through systematic racism, and suffocated transpersonal interactions. Our country has been distancing itself from anyone who does not fit its Protestant white image. It was the self-idealized white supremacy movement that unfairly objectified and subjectified people of color. This hatred and prejudice can be explained but not justified. As a society, we have also ignored and persecuted LGBTQ and various disability communities. These individuals are taking a stand to regain a sense of equality and balanceBalance: 1. The power or ability to maintain equilibrium under adverse circumsta… (click the word for the full definition). It is due to them that this conversation is now relevant. An apology (from this privileged white male) is also gratefully given for what I have gleaned from conversations with those who share these historical and present atrocities.
The Issues Are Transpersonal
The survivalSurvival: 1. a state of inner collapse where all our resources are focused on gu… (click the word for the full definition) of our planet is now, by default, in the hands of a small group of Co-Creative individuals working as teams to better humanity. This enlightened group sees that education is necessary for cooperative action, and sees every person as a participant in this raising of consciousness. Rather than just focusing on personal relationships, they seek the social change needed in our relationships. For so long, society has operated in a patriarchal and hierarchal structure where people were objectified, subjectified and idealized for the financial benefit of the few. Cultural Creatives know how important it is to create equality between personal and transpersonal needs and opportunities, even while they can see and accept all forms of differences.
We focus on resolving conflict (resolving both differences and similarities) so that every person will manifest their full creative gifts. Since our creativity is a virtue, our virtues are as unique as our creativity; this makes us unstoppable. Being of service to others makes these virtues real. Our creative nature is our moral compass. Our sacrifice in the service of creative contribution holds the promise of greater pleasure, power and passion. For now, as conscious beings, we have the creative power to make peace or to make war on every level: in our families, with our friends, lovers, or in our businesses, communities, political parties, states and the world as we know it. Capturing our grace and nobility is what makes our skills expand our horizons by being of service.
Five Conscious Higher Alignment Tools Regenerate Our Relationships
The Five Conscious Higher Alignment tools provide the foundation to accelerate our creative development in relationships.
Common Neutral Ground is where we connect to others in a separate relationship space so we can be separate from our partner’s reactions. This keeps us from triggering conditioning, defenses, and idealistic projections on ourselves or our partners. We teach Common Neutral Ground practices to regenerate our relationships.
We use 12 Motives to guide and empower conscious, quality relationships. Motives assist us in identifying when a person can respond consciously to us, or when they need to control or limit our interactions. When people are insecure, their primary response is to make sure they have influence and the control of others they interact with. When individuals are engaging multiple motives, this causes confusion and doublespeak. Higher motives, such as Universal DominionUniversal Dominion: 1. a state of being where I create my own safety internally,… (click the word for the full definition), Mutual AccomplishmentMutual Accomplishment: 1. a state of being where I create my own security throug… (click the word for the full definition), and Conscious ParticipationConscious Participation: 1. a state of being where I create my own safety and se… (click the word for the full definition) are completely unified and are inclusive, allowing us to mutually direct our energy for the common good.
We use 21 Attractions and Repulsions to define our Life Lesson Growth. Attractions are dualistic and have repulsions as well, keeping us from working together. In all co-dependent relationships, we use fragmented, dualistic attractions to convince ourselves that we are with interesting people. Since we are always trying to repeat and reinforce the attractions we have experienced, we don’t know how to grow and expand our attractions with people. Most of us start to believe that attractions are static things limited by repulsions when we overdo something. It takes time to recognize that every attraction teaches us a certain lesson so that when we learn the lesson the attraction associated with it loses its power over us. We are always building and unifying our attractions so we become more conscious in the life lessons we engage. Finally, when we become conscious, there are three primary attractions that we share with those who can consciously be with us. They are: Autonomous AlivenessAliveness: 1. The capacity to engage others in a vibrant and awakened manner wit… (click the word for the full definition), Intimate Vulnerability, and Creative Responsiveness.
It is only the unifying Attractions of Autonomous Aliveness, Intimate Vulnerability, and Creative Responsiveness that allow us to work on life lessons interactively.
We use 12 Relationship SkillsRelationship Skills: 1. a set of perceptual distinctions that represent twelve d… (click the word for the full definition) to autonomously present us as transpersonal. In relationships we need to learn how to operate with integrity and purpose. This means learning about who we are and how to show up with others in a conscious way. Instead of latching on to people and using attachments, information, and control to either manipulate or seduce them, we learn to build our creative character so others can trustTrust: 1. faith or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, e… (click the word for the full definition) us. 12 Relationships Skills can be summarized and included in Growth, AutonomyAutonomy: 1. The fact or condition of being self-governed that allows us to sepa… (click the word for the full definition), IntimacyIntimacy: 1. the state or fact of being Self-reflective and reflective of our pa… (click the word for the full definition) and Co-Creative Skills. These skills help us engage people and operate within our own boundariesBoundaries: 1. Becoming conscious of where you and others start 2. Developing a … (click the word for the full definition) defined by our energetic field, our sense of time, and our capacity to hold ourselves separate. These skills are great consciousness tools to provide a foundation for Common Neutral Ground (CNG).
Relationship Skills, particularly Growth, Autonomy and Intimacy, are the necessary precursors of Co-Creative practices.
We use 15 CompatibilityCompatibility: 1. The capacity to live together in harmony as a result of common… (click the word for the full definition) Factors to describe our Similarities and Differences. Compatibility Factors require us to acknowledge our differences and similarities, so each person is respected and esteemed as who they are. We describe these similarities and differences by using the Compatibility Factors of Primary Creative Expression, Secondary Creative Expression, Mental Body Creative Expression, Pacing, Communication Process, Decision-Making Approach, WorldView, Defenses, Defensive Distortions, PretensesPretenses: 1. specialized roles we develop to enhance our ability to superficial… (click the word for the full definition), Goals, Motives, Attitudes, Body Type, and Parental ImprintingImprinting: 1. an acceptance mechanism used by infants and young children to ens… (click the word for the full definition). Our classes of Creative Uniqueness and Recognizing Creativity help us to understand our creative make-up and see it in ourselves, as well as seeing it in others.
These are the five necessary tools for conscious relationshipsConscious Relationships: 1. any type of relationship wherein both parties unders… (click the word for the full definition).
Our Mission: Making Healthy Relationship Choices
Relationship change is here. There is no way to hide from it. Roles, Expectations and Projections about how it should be different have unintended consequences. We are adrift in a more selfish, sexual world where everything is a negotiated exchange or has material value, and Personality power imbalances promote subjectification and false security. The core values of Growth, InterdependenceInterdependence: 1. condition where we recognize that we cannot do it alone and … (click the word for the full definition), Autonomy, Intimacy and Co-Creativity will gradually take preeminence through systemic, conscious engagement. Higher Alignment teaches us to see beyond our safety fears, security desires, and the void of projections and idealization. We will see the importance of clarity with our boundaries.
Higher Alignment Goal 1 for conscious individuals is to eliminate Co-Dependence
We are awakening to the fundamental threat that gender conflict, the powerful elevation of ‘the haves’, and the repression of ‘the have nots’ will destroy us. If not, then it’s a race between racism, religion, and ethnic diversity over what will tear us apart first. Isolation, separation, and insulation have become defensive ways to avoid conflict while clarifying and promoting it. These are the many faces of co-dependence and our goal is to shift from reactions into responses. Our conscious response is to love, engage, and embrace our differences, so consciousness remains in the climate of presencePresence: 1. focusing on inner subtle energies layers where perceptions and the … (click the word for the full definition) and compassion. The fundamental teaching of Higher Alignment is that by understanding the value of differences, we can find creative ways to advance the development of the human race. Learning to shift from co-dependence to Co-Creativity is a major focus of Higher Alignment, and we offer several classes to help identify, understand, and heal co-dependence while moving into Co-Creativity.
Higher Alignment Goal 2 is for people to actualize their full creative nature
We lack a real understanding our creative nature. First, our reactions indicate that we are denying our creative nature rather than affirming it. Imprinting, Defenses, and Pretenses are obstacles and distractions to our creative self-expression. Second, each of us has three main intelligence expressions (with 7 creative options at each level) which indicate our creative capacity and nature. At the lowest survival level, our Mental Body expression protects us from the scapegoating of our family. At the second level we begin to express what makes us outwardly successful. Many individuals become stuck here, caught by power and security fears, preventing them from moving into the Primary level. If we are one of the conscious 15%, we expand into the Primary Creative level and we develop the wisdom of an integrated creative expression that fulfills us inwardly and outwardly.
At the first step of our journey to greater consciousness, we choose partners based on parental creative expression, next we choose based on creative and defensive opposites, then we choose partners who have similar ideals, values and expectations and finally based on conscious creative similarities. Gradually, as we actualize our creative nature and evolve our consciousness, we discover our 6 creative expectations based on our Mental Body Expression, our 6 values based our Secondary Expression, and our 3 virtues based our our Primary Expression. When we choose partners based on conscious creative similarities, it changes our choices from dissonance to embrace harmony. This shifts our consciousness and allows us to fulfill our purpose and creative destiny. Complementing this is how aligned we are in our communication process, decision-making approach, and the speed or pace of processing. Peaceful, joyful, frictionless relationships become possible.
Higher Alignment Goal 3 is for people to identify their Authentic Life Expression (ALE)
We all are composed of Life, Light and Love energyLove Energy: 1. the combination of Light and Life energies in a way that release… (click the word for the full definition). In this evolution we build our consciousness by being able to form our intentIntent: 1. a reflection of will, either personal or Universal, that defines our … (click the word for the full definition) to master the contentContent: 1. the outer appearance, item or thought that defines the set of possib… (click the word for the full definition) of the world so we can command and play our pre-destined part, or contextContext: 1. the experiential container that permits us to see how the content re… (click the word for the full definition). It is our consciousness that activates our creative expressions and allows us to clarify and implement what we have to contribute. There is a point of self-reflection where our consciousness coalesces and our Authentic Life ExpressionAuthentic Life Expression [Aka Authentic Life Work] 1. A distinct creative contr… (click the word for the full definition) (ALE) becomes known to us. While others may help us in discovering this process, it is completely up to us whether we will rise to the occasion. Everything in our life to date is part of the shaping necessary to make this contribution. The main difficulty is not trusting ourselves to fully manifest it. This process is greatly facilitated when we find others who are creatively aligned to us, and can eliminate the defensive distortions that distract us from fulfilling our purpose. Higher Alignment offers classes to facilitate the process of identifying and deepening our Authentic Life Expression (ALE) and developing layers of support.
Higher Alignment Goal 4 is to generate an abundance of Enlightened Dating opportunities
The best strategies for creating spiritually and creatively enhanced partnerships are finding those individuals who have the same or similar creative purpose. This is most likely found in individuals with the same Primary Creative Expression, defense and WorldView. What we are searching for are individuals who we can work with harmoniously and synergistically to amplify our combined intention. This aligned approach helps to neutralize Co-Dependence and masculine/feminine differences. Otherwise, we spend most of our time trying to overcome our internal and external opposition to each other.
Higher Alignment can address this by helping to understand and counterbalance the costs of objectification, subjectification and idealization, the three defensive distortions that plague our society. Objectification is the source of jealously, materialism, and prejudice, where we fixate on the outer beautyOuter Beauty: 1. the attraction to a person’s outer presentation or handsomene… (click the word for the full definition) and ignore the inner ugliness. Competition, fighting, and corruption are caused by Subjectification, where we tell others what to think. Inequality, hypocrisy, ignoring our shadow-side, and entitlement are all caused by Idealization where we project imbalances upon others to justify our personality greatness. The source of these distortions is experiential repression of our sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts. We need a way to connect to each other without this baggage. Enlightened dating is one of the best ways to motivate a reexamination of who we are, and to make healthy relationship choices.
Higher Alignment Goal 5 is to sponsor Conscious Organizational Alignment programs
Conscious Organizational Alignment all starts with how we experience ourselves. When we are internally polarized, we seek externally polarized counterbalance in others. Our love/hate relationships are always operating at cross purposes. When we harmonize our internal differences, we do not need externally stimulating people to move us forward. Instead, we can choose our own development sequence. This leads to choosing jobs that are aligned to our nature. We can find or create options where our Authentic Life Expression can be fulfilled because our organization is aligned with us. For some of us, this begins with friends and partners. The right opportunity allows us to expand our capacity and joyfully embrace growth. What would it be like if your workplace understood your desire for making better contributions?
Higher Alignment Goal 6 is to publish Conscious Team Building, Problem Solving Practices
The challenge is to apply our creative insights to the world so we can see new possibilities before they are obvious. Our newsletters talk about demographic changes in the creative population and what this means for the future. Become a proud participant in our movement to bring balance and harmony through Co-Creative partnerships. Join the community and meet other individuals like yourself. If you become a member of the community, you can post questions and comments on all our blogs. You can also receive pdf eBooks such as ‘Co-Dependence to Co-Creativity’. Our intention is that this group (including you) be the core voice for conscious Co-Creative citizens. You are the heroines and heroes of this conscious community, and everyone can benefit from our interactions. Let the word go forth that people empowered with aliveness, wisdom, and awareness are quietly creating a consensus about Co-Creative equality and prosperity.
Higher Alignment Goal 7 is to implement Organizational Transformation as a possibility
The seven goals are now articulated, and you can see this is a broad vision. Everyone can be a part of it. It is now obvious that personal transformationTransformation: 1. the ability to transcend our dualistic thought process and Em… (click the word for the full definition) must precede organizational transformation. While top-down authentic creative expression is key to beginning this work, bottom-up responses need to be affirmed and expanded at each level for improvements to occur. Higher Alignment begins by aligning individuals to themselves and then seeks to develop ways to calibrate and re-create each individual so the best of each person, relationship and even organization can be expressed. We can accomplish this only by being present to our Life, Light and Love (or energy, time and space) impulses which we use to guide our development choices. In Higher Alignment, we are already working with pioneering people to clarify and build their relationships, define their Authentic Life Expression, and re-organize their hiring practices to build conscious alignment. Expect programs to be announced periodically demonstrating the Higher Alignment solutions.
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Larry Byram, January 1, 2022